Thu 09 Jan
Beautiful Sexy Original Exotic #1 Classy Intellegent Freaky Passionate!!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsbugh areas in & outcalls)
$$ing Back Island Treasure Arrive.Nov.1st Ebony Shemale Erotica 10.5in Fully Loaded$$ - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh upscale location)
✅🚺💰The Real Ts AMOUR Available NOW!🍆🍆🍆Hot🔥& Sensational😍 Ready To Please You!👀👅🍆 - 23
(East Liberty Private 🏩 Incalls, Pittsburgh)
come get ur pipe drained! ! ! hot facial cream wanted ! LASTDAY $pecial! ! ! - 25
(harmarville pa/pittsburgh)
New ken 💦💦The best of the best come get it your Ultimate Experience 😛😜😘 no regrets - 22
(Pittsburgh, New ken/ Tarentum)
★ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓G ★ 305*791-7311 - 23
(Pittsburgh, East Pittsburgh)
🌟Film Star🌟 "The Body" & Video Inside of yours Truly "Onjulic" ! - 27
(Allentown, Bethlehem / Downtown Center City)
💕💞💕💞 ONE IN A MILLION! Blonde hair blue eyed transsexual doll! 💕💞💓💞 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Pittsburgh)
I'm gonna BLo💥 Your Mind! 9in 🚨 🍆💦. All night Long! 100% FF! Ready Now! - 23
(My place or Yours❤️, Pittsburgh)
★———— ABSOLUTELY ———— STUNNING ——— Your FANTASY — SUPER SEXY VIP TS ————— ★- 100% Actual Photos - 24
(Crafton Available 24/7, Pittsburgh)
STOP WASTING YOUR $$ incall special tonight only SUPER [SEXY] PLAYMATE hott model !! - 24
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh area)
👏Stressed Out? Let's Play!!💋In or Outcall!🎉💄1of a kind🌡 Erotic, Nude, Full Body MASSAGE!!🛏 - 33
(Pittsburgh, South Hills Area)
Sunday Funday! South Hill & Washington!! OUTCALL only!! - 36
*:::*_______| (SuCkiNg ThE sWeEt CuM oUt Of YoU iS tHe LaSt ThiNg i WaNnA dO) |_______*:::* - 18
~~~(New Pix!) ~~~I'll Leave You With A Token Of Remembrance To Lift Your Spirits and Grin ~~~~ ~~~~~ - 26
(north east of downtown)
Hottest Girls in The Area Right Here 304-685-1301 Unbeatable Prices....... - 18
(Ittsbugh, West Virginia, Ohio)
(¯`'. ♥.'´¯) §H£ MAY NO B£ R£AL -:¦:- BU I AM [ 5☆] PROVIDER (¯`'. ♥.'´¯) © - 25
(Pittsburgh, PA)
💞Haley is ready!💞100% real and recent pics! cash/credit - 22
(Greensburg, washington, cranberry,, Pittsburgh)
❤❤ALL NEW PICS ❤❤I do this really cool thing where I make a date feel like an actual date ❤❤ - 29
(Gone. NOT AVAILABLE, Pittsburgh)
♡♥ _____ ADORABLE BRUNETTE ·♥· _____ViSiTiNG BEAUTY ·♥· _____SWEET ~N~ SEXY _____♡♥ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry)
Afternoon all day specials w the exotic all american beauty calla 36d 4123273353 myplace or yours?? - 24
(Pittsburgh, In or outcalls airport grn tree robinson)
💋(¯`'•.40DD¯) EXXoTiC Busty Red Head gOddēSs 💋Last Nite inTown🌹 (¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) - 21
(Pittsburgh, monroeville INCALLS💋No Texting)
60💦How Do You Like It🍦 Crê@m¥🍦 Or Very Wêt💦{Triple Threat} - 22
(Center City, Incalls Only/Allegheny-Temple area, Philadelphia)
#❶ ** 100% Real Beauty.. •••••••••★•*iTs PlAy Time BoYs*•★ - Join me - 21
(Pittsburgh, Exit 79 north)
$70HH****The BLAckER The BErrY... The SWeeTER The JuiCE.. INCALL ONLY - 24
(Pittsburgh, East Liberty Incall Only No TEXT)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - - 26
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville-mosside boulevard area,)
$ 100 $pecial$ ! [ NeW 2 ToWn ] ¤1OO% SeXy & Fre@kY _ WeLL ReVieweD _ SoOo aDDicTiVe! - 21
(**MonroeViLLe 24hr InCaLLs**)
❤100%Me Or Free❤ Sweet Stunning & Kinky❤ Everything You've been Seeking❤ Let Me fufill your Desires❤ - 24
(Crafton//StubenVillePike, Pittsburgh)
* ( )( ) 34DD _____ BOMBSHELL ____ 1000% REAL __ __ SMOKING HOT __ __ XOXO - 25
(Pittsburgh, cranberry/mars)
. • : * . • B E A U T Y • : * . • O F • : * . • Y O U R • : * . • D R E A M S : * - 23
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Pittsburgh Incall/Outcall)
★NO TRiCKS only Treats dont miss out!!★♥Ts ~Diamond ♥ Available now!! NO TEXTS - 23
(Pittsburgh, DOWNTOWN)
🔥💋 IVY 36DDD 🔥 natural red head! 💋🔥 Awake til 6am - 24
(Downtown Cranberry Washington Monroevill, Pittsburgh)
The Ultimate Fantasy, 💎💃Dream Girl I 💗 To Have Fun - 23
(Center City, Harrisburg, Incall/Outcall, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading, Scranton)
The best Special Ever Two Girls for One Call for info. - 32
(Pittsburgh, Greensburgh incall or outcall)
-- (LAST DAYS IN TOWN)) -- SeXxXy *PUeRTo RiCo DELiGhT* -- (( DONT MISS OUT)) -- - 20
Massage is included in your escort session 2342060543 - 30
(Pittsburgh, hotel outcall/incall robinson)
M a s s a g e by 3 6 E Busty Mediterranean. CC's Accepted. Two Hour Notice - 99
(Pittsburgh, outcall)
💋C.u.m see what my HANDS ✋✋ can do for U. 7242881493 - 31
(canonsburg/ houston pa in call only., Pittsburgh)
(¯`'.¸ ; ¸.'´¯) EXOTIC ASIAN INDIAN & CREOLE TO SPICE IT UP (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 24
*´¯`·. ✦· ·. F I N A L L Y back ► G0RGE0US *´¯`·. ✦· BuSty BruneTTe !! - 21
(M O N R O E V I L L E)
( ( ( * * * Upscale Treat For An Upscale Gentleman ! ! ! ! ! ! * * * ) ) - 24
(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 20
WaNNa SeE My PiNk ?? (( SkY DoEz It SoOoO MuCh BeTTeR )) MoNrOeViLLe'S FiNeST ! ! - 19
*********** WELL REVIEWED- Hot Exotic Beauty- SPECIALS ALL DAY *********** - 24