Fri 10 Jan
👠👠 Just made a fr3sh pot come get it while it's 👠👠. Real HOTTT !!! ( IN CALLS )☎️ - 28
(Pittsburgh, Crafton)
Keshia Very Hot SEXY AND can touch me Outcalls 100 - 20
XO Companions: Dasha ★ ★ Center City INCALL ★ ★ ★ VISITING ★ ★ ★ Petite Ukrainian Blonde - 27
(Pittsburgh, Center City)
TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BBW 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT - 33
(Pittsburgh, CRAFTON hwy 1-79 ext 60a)
»-(¯`v´¯)-» _ S__ e__ X__ y_ -:¦:- __ A__ s__ S __ -:¦:- __ N__ y__M__p__H__o_ (¯`v´¯)-» - 18
[[ *D A N G E R O U S L Y *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.)
Come to crafton for a sensual massage with an amazing ending by a beautiful redhead - 28
CuRvY = • Blue EyE = • Burnette❤(( BACK)) • IN • ((TOWN ))°•❤•° ((AvAiLaBLe NoW))!!! ♥ - 25
(Pittsburgh, =*= Monroeville =*=)
come and feel this bubble its as soft as cotton u got to feel it to belive it *&*&*& - 22
»-♥-» DaNGERoUSLY ______ ★°. Addictive .°★ ______ Blonde »-♥-» SPECIALS - 23
(Pittsburgh in/out Anytime!)
Cute College Co-ed, Party Girl for Good Times! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Center City, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, In town, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
sexy Latina Is Out with Nothing To Do : ) Outcalls only - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding)
Pick Up ThE ☞☞☎☎ Call ME!! ▄▓ ▇▒ ★⇐【AvAiℓAвℓє Nσω】 ⇒★ ▆ ▇ ★ SmoKinG★HOT !!★ OUTCALLS★❤ - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding (outcalls))
*** Outcall Only ******* Asian Macy &&&&& 267-367-9147 Silm Girl **/// - 22
(OUTCALL ONLY, Philadelphia)
~~~** PuT * YoUrSeLf * In * ThE * HaNdS * Of * fAnCy * YoU * WiLl * Be GlAd * YoU * DiD! **~~~ - - 24
★•OUR ♥o°• CANDY •°o♥o °• SHOP • °o♥♥o °• NEVER • °o♥o°• CLOSES •°o♥ UP ALL NITE★ Layla or Natalia - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh all surrounding areas and dwntwn)
___💋💋 NEW BLONDE in town!!! Available ALL NIGHT LONG 😘 😘 CALL VERONICA NOW!! - 22
Thu 09 Jan
discreet and petite.. ready to meet.. running specials all day and night. - 26
(McKees Rocks, Pittsburgh)
TS Ashley vixin 412~886~4054 (ncall and outcall availible) Come enjoy life on the other side - 25
(Pittsburgh, 10 mins from downtown)
Sorry for the guys that missed me guys Curently back in columbus ,oh... but have a happy new year - 24
(Philadelphia, PhiLLy AiRport InCaLL)
((★ ★)) (Visiting 5/3/11-5/6/11) ★ (Gorgeous Upscale Blonde) ((★ ★)) - 23
(GreenTree*Pittsburgh*Monroeville *Burbs)
💞💟**UnIqUe, SaSsY, PlAyFuL, ClAsSy CoMe SeE WhAt YoUr MiSsInG....💟💞 *Specials During the game* - 28
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton)
Thursday Afternoon done Rght with a sexy and open minded brunette that's thin & +igh+! OUTCALL ONLY - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Locations)
Sweet!!🍭 TrIcK or tReAt👻HELP me🎃tAke off my 👿Halloween CosTumE*🍭 - 26
(Irwin west Mifflin white oak waterfront, Pittsburgh)
**** Thanks For An Amazing Visit Harrisburg Gents See You Next Visit **** - 35
(Harrisburg, Incall Location)
new white girl and new pics coming out fun4126071975 - 34
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville plum Greensborg irwinvnew st)
Nikki is the best why bother with the rest. Im all u need!!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding areas)
New Pics - You'll Love Them INCALL/OUTCALL Call Me Tonite!!! - 27
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh - Greensburg)
🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴 💋NEW in ToWn💋 ❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴 💋aSiAn Incall💋 ❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴 💋917━341━3912💋 ❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴 💋DON'T MISSING OUT💋 - 21
NEW (FuLLY NRGiZD-NÕ BÅTTRiS) ¤24 HÕUR¤ DrÅM G!RL Sp3cI@l$ ((LiMiTeD tImE)) HuRrY - 22
(Pittsburgh, ___MONROEVILLE___ NEW BOOTY)
L°_E _°T°_° S ° ► ( NO. OTHER. BLONDE. COMPARES ) ◄ ° P° _°L°_ °A°_° Y - 21
👄 I Do What Your Wife Won't 💁🏽 & What Your Mistress Can't 👠 🍾 UPSCALE 💎2️⃣4️⃣/7️⃣ {{5 ST🌟R Ch💁🏽CK}} - 21
(Airport, Pittsburgh)
I'm Back The Sexy Adult Film Star Lesley C*mmings Visiting Pittsburgh Today! - 37
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry)
* ~ ☆ ~ * HOT _ { K!NKY } _ EROT!C _ {H!GHLY @ddictive} _ BLONDE BOMBSHELL * ~ ☆ ~ * - 31
(Pittsburgh, MONROEVILLE)