Mon 27 Jan
🚺🌺 Real Sexy Doll 🔥💖🌷Hot 🚺🔥Pretty 💖 🚺Curvy 🌹💖😍 Sweet 🍯👠🚺Cute 🌼👠🚺 Available NoW - - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh in and outcalls)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
♧Let me warm you up! Humpday specials! Isabella for discreet INCALL&OUTCALL; - Treat yourself! - 23
" " "Luxurious Verified Blonde" " " Now Booking " " " Hot Passion " " " - 22
(Pittsburgh, MonroeviLLe)
call for specials ***HaYliE'S -Lovely- LaDIeS***HOT -n- READY to MASSAGE - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/crafton)
Sat 11 Jan
~Sexy Modelist TS Sky Of Fun~YOUR EVERY DESIRE CoMe TrUe LeTs PlAy ~ $$SPECIAL$$ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Highland Park/East Liberty In&Outcall;)
❤️💋💞Tina is ready! Sweet & Petite!!❤️💋💞100% real and recent pics! cash/credit - 21
(Downtown, washington, cranberry, airport, Pittsburgh)
P_E_R_F_E_C_T!! __((( BRUNETTE )))__ --♥-PETITE -♥-HOT -♥-SEXY (((GREAT REVIEWS))) - 20
(Pittsburgh, ❤ GREENTREE ❤)
New In Town!!!! TER REVIEWED Hottie WIth Long Legs And Big Blue Eyes!! - 24
(pittsburgh in/out 24/7)
___ *I LUV 2 Kiss★ _____ B l o n d e G i r l N e x t D o o r ________ Real PICTURES!! ________ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville/ William Penn Hwy __________)
8" F.F. SHEMALE »-💋-» BEAUTIFUL:•.🌟.•:TOP ★TS > LOOKING 😘★ FOR BOTTOMS ¯`•🍆🍌👸;• `¯) 🙌 - 29
(i left thank's.for, Pittsburgh)
SPECIALS _ GorgeouS_!!_ E y E C a n d Y _!!_ 1 0 0 % R e a L _!!_ W o W __ S e x y _ SPECIALS - 22
(PGH Ncall)
Sunday Special! 18yr Blonde blue eyed "girl next door" avail. all night! 100%real pic! 724-288-1091 - 18
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Monroeville)
hot croatian model dancer... satisfaction promised - 26
(Pittsburgh, Rt. 28. 25 minutes from pittsburgh)
60 specialSMOKIN' HOT ~*♥ *~ EXOTIC ~*♥ *~VERY ADDICTIVE ~*♥*~60 specials - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroevill/incall only)
Let me finish what your eyes started §kIlLD HiP§ MaGiCaL lips-:¦:- 80$pecials - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburg Monroeville)
Suki Visiting 4122543114 - 👀👀Special's Today Only Call For More Details 💋💋💋💋💋💋!!!! - 31
° °•★ Warm Up With This All Natural 36D Exotic Snow Bunny°•★•° -- 412❤973❤2791 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Pittsburgh Outcall Only)
((NaUgHtY BrUneTTe TeMpTaTiOn)) xXx HoTTeR ThEn YoUr AveRaGe PlaYmAtE xXx ((SPECIALS)) - 22
(♥ Robinson Area ♥)
M a s s a g e by 3 6 E Busty Brunette CC's Accepted. Discreet and Pretty. Outcall - 99
(Outcall, Pittsburgh)
Fri 10 Jan
NEW PiX} ? ? ?. . .NeeD a . . .F/i/X ? ? ? ?? ? DiAL mY DigiTS. .. .. * * * * * * ** * - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
°o♥•° H—O—T —T •°o♥•°• SEXY •°o♥•° B—L—O—N—D--E .. - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & areas surrounding)
★ HoWEveR YoU WaNT It! ❤ YoU GoT IT! ❤ CoME GeT IT! ★ - 24
🌹Always Safe & Discrete With Pittsburgh's Top Independent Provider - 99
(North of the City, Pittsburgh)
Looking for someone nice Armstrong County, just friends no fun, dinner and romance only - 34
(Pittsburgh, Armstrong County)
Sunday Special Sneak out and Let's have the Excitement begin :) - 24
(Pittsburgh, Irwin/New Stanton/Ur Place:))
___ _ ____N e W (¯`'.¸ 2 ¸.'´¯) b.e a.u.t.i.f.uL BusTyy BruneTTes CoMiNg 2 ToWn !! PREBOOK only! - 22
★ ViSiTiNG - - - - [[ BEAUTiFUL RUSSiAN MiX HOTTiE ]] - - - - ViSiTiNG ★ - 19
(Pittsburgh, ** [ MONROEVILLE ] **)
TOY NURSE TEACHER DIANA * BIGGEST Natural BREASTS in TEXAS! *Gain & Maintain Strength w/o Drugs! - 49
(Pittsburgh, PITTSBURGH-OCT 26-27-28TH!(SUN-TUES))
Thu 09 Jan
🔆Ur PIN-UP Beauty🔆 NiceAZz FRame..Melts in Ur Mouth-Not in Ur Hand..Back Around ThursFri..10/22-23 - 36
("Bck in the Burg"..Thurs Oct 22/23, Harrisburg)
textin/talkin n maybe hangout - w4m - 25
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, everywhere)
"LETS MAKE IT HOT *FEB.8TH-9TH * VisitinG Greentree 1 NIGHT ONLY ...Can U Come Out& PLAY!!!!!"
(Pittsburgh, PA/GREENTREE)
hay BOYS look @ BAMBI TOYS 38dds @round phat apple bottom@PRETTY FACE - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh/crafton)
*:::*_______| (SuCkiNg ThE sWeEt CuM oUt Of YoU iS tHe LaSt ThiNg i WaNnA dO) |_______*:::* - 18
NEW = F L I R T Y = _ _ = LONG LEGS = _ _ = B O M B S H E L L - 24
(Pittsburgh, monroeville/mall area)
Hometown girl...Ask about Specials.....Now accepting Credit Cards - 34
(Pittsburgh, 5 minute West of pittsburgh)