Mon 27 Jan
nc.diamond /booty doctor fly like butter fly sting like a bee open you web page guess what you see
GONE @ 11AM H I G H LY RE V I E WED ♥ H OT & R -E -A -D -Y - 27
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville In/ Outcall Gr8 Rvws 129524)
Mon 13 Jan
!!💋!!Look NO Further!! New, Sexy, and Young LIMITED edition 💋 Available NOW - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Area)
LEAVING SOON! ☎ --- All these girls and NO Reviews? My REVIEWS prove I'm the perfect girl 4 u! - 27
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville In/ Out Gr8 Rvws 129524)
Sun 12 Jan
I AM the BEST!🌟#⃣1⃣CHOiCE‼️ B!G BooTy 🔥ҤØŦ_☜ ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ•ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💦🍓PERFECTiON 🍒 Lets PLAY! Call me NOW! - 26
(Call Me Baby!, Pittsburgh)
It's Monday:( well Make ur Appointment & I will make ur Monday the best 1 you will ever have:) - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Delmont/Irwin/Ur Place:))
36 E Busty Female Available for Massage. 36E Busty Female Available for Massage. CC's Accepted - 99
(Pittsburgh, Your Place Only)
"Love & compassion are necessities, not luxuries...of which we cannot survive"-Dalai Lama - 36
(North of the City, Pittsburgh)
Lynn's * NEW * Pic's Open Minded * PLay * Kiss * Cuddling * NEW * Pic's - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place:))
Merry Christmas To You, Merry Christmas To You. Your Wish May Come True. Merry Christmas To You! - 26
(Greensburg and Pittsburgh)
✨💋✨Monday FUNDAY...Start the week with awesome specials!!!💋✨ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Mid mon valley/ Washington)
Sat 11 Jan
think about the best you ever had and multiply that by ten and your getting close the best there is - 20
TWO Girl SPECIALS Tonight ♥ EXOTIC ♥ Fun ★ ♥ Outcalls Only *NeW Pictures* - 24
Tired of fake girls on back page? Come see the *real* sexy Taylor.. $100 specials all day* - 24
(Pittsburgh, North Versailles)
Tall, Busty, Classy Lovely Lady !!♥♡Come play in Brandi Land !!♡♥☆★WEEKDAY SPECIALS★☆In-call only - 36
(Pittsburgh, JEANNETTE. ......RT.30)
Tired of fake girls on back page? Come see the *real* sexy Taylor.. Holiday specials & more* - 24
(Pittsburgh, North Versailles)
❤ NO UPSaLe EVeR! ❤ Upscale Incall & Outcalls Available! - 23
(Pittsburgh Incall/Outcall Everywhere)
I want to be your girl tonight - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, 10 minutes away)
ANYTHING GOES!!!!!!! ----->>> G:F:E SPECIALS!! *=N=* AUGHT *=Y=* [A][SIA][N] *=V=* IXxXE*=N=* - 21
(Monroevile Incalls)
B=A=R=B=A=D=O=S __ --*-- __ H=O=N=E=Y __ --*__In ToWn FoR 1 NITE!!!!! - 22
(Monroeville/ incall only)
💋💋💜 ❥ 💗 ❤️ GORGEOUS »-💕-» PETITE 💖💖💖 CLASSY »-💕-» GIRL 💋💋💜💗 ♥❥ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Greentree)
T_H__E__ :: __U__L__T __I__M__A__T __E__::_ (((__ EROTIC __)))_:: __E__X__P __E__R__I__E __N__C_E - 21
(¯`'.¸ SuGaR & SpiCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaC TwiCe ¸.'´¯) - 24
(Pittsburgh, CRAFTON)
No FaKe PiCs & SaFe CoMpAniOnShiP w/ *SECRET* VaLiDaTed 5 StAr PeRfOrMeR (TER.147950) - 24
(Airport/ Thorn Run Rd.)
( ( A+ ) ) _ iNTOXiCATiNG __ ♥ __ ** BiG bOOTy ** __ ♥ __ FR3@K__ ( ( 10O% SEXY ) ) - 21
(Pittsburgh, crafton)
5 star FILIPINA & HAWAIIAN mixed beauty! available for morning specials! - 22
(Robinsons/ Pittsburgh)
$140 NUDE ############# eBONY ############## BOMBSHELL ############## sAMONE - 21
(Pittsburgh, Crafton area)
*5* Experience With Busty Bruenette Exotic Erotic No Body Does It Better - - 26
(Pittsburgh, Cran/Wex North Pittsburgh)
Last couple hours here get the💦 til gone.... $pecials running all day outcalls 💋💋💋🔥🔥💦💦💦🍆 - 24
(Outcalls only, Pittsburgh)
♥ HOT AND SPICY - All the ASIAN heat you can handle! When you're ready for a girl gone wild! - 22
((»-(¯`v´¯)-» Summer Specials »))
*-*-*-TIGHT Body ..*.*.. ITALIAN Hottie..*.*.. ELITE Companion-*-*-* - - 20
: What a man W A N T S -What a man N E E D S -Put your MIND 2 EASE -While your BODY IS PLEASED : - 22
(Pittsburgh, MoNrOeViLLe incall (___ 80 ___ )special)