Mon 27 Jan
Slim , Stacked , and Hot Azzzz Hell !!! $$$ High End Clientele Only ! Avail April 29-30 - 69
snowbound special!!!*¨* Giuliana all natural 38 d italian princess available tonight 724 493 3358 - 24
(Pittsburgh, greentree/crafton)
Slim , Stacked , and Ready for Action! $$$ High End Clientele Only ! Avail Feb 1 -4 - 69
(Pittsburgh, PITTSBURGH EAST Feb 1-4)
♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[[ AWAY AND PLAY ]] ♡♥♡ SeDuCTiVe TrEaT :¦:•A REAL FaNtaSy!!——2— - 24
(Pittsburgh, North Pittsburgh (Butler))
Shay-ೋ _____ ೋ _*G_U_A_R_A_N_T _E_E_D *_ ೋ _*PLEASURE*_ ೋ _____ೋ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh OUTCALL)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In town)
sexy hot croatian model & dancer here to please... satisfaction promised!!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, ur place or mine)
Sexy, Fun, Professional Escort!!! I would love to meet you! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh~Greensburg)
❶ ~ SOOTHING & fantastic EROTIC massage AND so MUCH more ~ ❶ - 29
(Pittsburgh, CRAFTON hwy 1-79 ext 60a)
SeXy PLaYmaTe 5 StAr HoTTie ((*UPSCALE*!)) -No Regrets BLUE EYED* BLONDE* KNOCKOUT! - - 25
(pittsburgh upscale incall/outcall 24/7)
Sexy** BBW** Layla** Working Man Special*** incall special** - 30
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ exit 75. incalls only)
P R E T T Y * C L A S S Y * E X O T I C * S W E E T * A S I A N will be in town 2night - 21
°o♥° COM E °o♥° GET °o♥° ATASTE °o♥OF THE BEST°o♥ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Outcalls Only !!!!)
$n@k3 ch@rm3rs Lexie 410 980 5666 heavenly sweet but n@Ugh+y as h3ll - 25
(Pittsburgh, banksville rd)
*o★o* SkillS! ❤ SkillS! ❤ SkilS! ❤ Click Here!! *o★o* - 24
°•°• NeW In ToWn •°•° I C@n Do M@gIc WiTh My ThIcK FuLL LiPs & CuRvY HiPs •°• 80-100-160 - 18
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree,Area)
♥Mature Blonde ♥ Check out my SKILLS ♥ Never a Disappointment ♥ No Rush! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh,pa)
(__*!* NeW *!*__*!* SeXxXy *!*__*!* GiRl__NeXt __DoOr *!* ViSiTiNg__) - 21
LET'S HAVE AN AMAZING TIME!! sexy and ready for you anytime!! - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh outcalls)
***NADIA*** PETITE, BUSTY, BLONDE! available now! cash/credit 100% real pictures 100%ME guaranteed! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh(hour radius))
M_A_d_E__ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_ U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! - 22
(Pittsburgh, # New Stanton # in call SpeCiaLs)
Monroeville . // MMmmmm GoOd // New // 8O LaTe NiTe SpEcIaL. - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville. New
Mature Playmate/Tan Redhead "Let Me Entertain You" Gents 40yrs.old an Up ONLY - 57
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Meadowlands/off 79 at exit 41)
MY First Time Doing This, Little Nervous But Excited At The Same Time, Older Men Would Be Better Lol - 26
(Close to downtown Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
♥ My Treasure is your Pleasure !♥ I'm here to Serve your Needs!Red Headed Beauty ♥ - 30
(Pittsburgh, Robinson/ IN CALL)
_ _ LOVELY _ _ (( B_U_S_T_Y )) _ PLEASING _ is _ my _ PLEASURE _ :) SpeCials - 23
(pittsburgh in/out 24/7)
*LaSt NiTe GFE Specials* SuPeR WeT -:¦:- SuPeR TiGhT -:¦:- Im A GoDeSS On My KnEeS - 20
(ೋ Airport Area 24hr incallೋ)
*Heaven Leigh* sorry guys family emer. be back thurs:-) ter approved:-) 330 957-1615 - 33
(in the burgh)
HURRY ..(( SeXy EROTIC SWISS LOVER)) Busty DiRtY HoTtIe!! Playful & Real - 25
~~~~` Hot -N- Heavy ~~~~ all about YOU !!!! Unrushed * Play Ful * Teaseing & MORE - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ UR Place :))
.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. HOT _____ BloNde ...... BuNNy ...... ReADY FOR FUN.... ((( Call Now!!! )). ).🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh outcall)
Last Day In Town Today Leaving In The AM Don't Miss Me ..... Lesley Cummings ... TER Reviewed - 35
!~~ Gorgeous Brunette Erotic Weekend Getaway ~~! - 28
(Pittsburgh, pittsburg/monroville incall only)
》》H O T 《《 J U I C Y 》》F U N《《 *★★RED☆HEAD★★* ReAdY to PLAY !! NOW !! ♥ ¤ ♥ - 29
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry incalls only)
Gorgeous Independent Blonde ♥ Beyond Belief ♥ 100% Satisfying Performance love fetishes - 23
(Pittsburgh, oakland,pa)