Mon 27 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
Unrushed, Fun, Exciting Come see me I got a surprise for you! :) an I will put a SMILE on ur Face - 24
(Pittsburgh, Irwin/New Stanton/Delmont /ur place:))
Sat 11 Jan
📳 No.1 in The World📳📳📳 SEXY, sm 👑 CURLING 🍒 2016 DELIGHTS 👸 CLICK HERE!!! 📳📳📳 YOU won't re - 21
(Mount Washington, Pittsburgh)
TH!CK B00TY FR3@KS ☆ TH@L L!PPS ☆ AMAZiNG PHAT AZZ-:¦:- SK!llZ aRe "The BEST"! - 21
(Pittsburgh, Crafton/Greentree In/Out 24/7)
SPECIALS _ GorgeouS_!!_ E y E C a n d Y _!!_ 1 0 0 % R e a L _!!_ W o W __ S e x y _ SPECIALS - 22
(PGH Ncall)
➫ [[ ©L!©K HR ]] HeRe tO SaTiSfy aLL oF yOuR DeSiReS :::180 tWo GiRL sPeCiaL::: - 20
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Township)
$70****The BLAckER The BErrY... The SWeeTER The JuiCE.. INCALL ONLY - 24
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville NO TEXT__NO TEXT__NO TEXT)
2 girl specials with Ray Lynn, the blonde girl next door you wished you lived next too 412 9794931 - 21
(Pittsburgh, on rt 28 near pgh and monroeville)
° °•★ Warm Up With This All Natural 36D Exotic Snow Bunny°•★•° -- 412❤973❤2791 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Pittsburgh Outcall Only)
NeW!! ToTALLy HOT! PeRKy C's AMPLe BooTy BLoNde BoMbSheLL LeT Me SeRve YoU PaPi :)!!!*** - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incall & Outcall 24 Hours)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Fri 10 Jan
NEW PiX} ? ? ?. . .NeeD a . . .F/i/X ? ? ? ?? ? DiAL mY DigiTS. .. .. * * * * * * ** * - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
°o♥•° H—O—T —T •°o♥•°• SEXY •°o♥•° B—L—O—N—D--E .. - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & areas surrounding)
$$$$ incall only $$$$ same night appointments - 21
(Pittsburgh, West mifflin, glassport, (incalls only))
🌹Always Safe & Discrete With Pittsburgh's Top Independent Provider - 99
(North of the City, Pittsburgh)
{ STOP } { RIGHT } { THERE } { !!!!! } { √ } { OUT } { THIS } { BOMBSHELL } - 25
LATE NITE SPECIAL blonde, blue-eyed, curvy, college cutie 100% real pics. avail. 24/7 412-315-5214 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Downtown/North Hills/Airport)
TOY NURSE TEACHER DIANA * BIGGEST Natural BREASTS in TEXAS! *Gain & Maintain Strength w/o Drugs! - 49
(Pittsburgh, PITTSBURGH-OCT 26-27-28TH!(SUN-TUES))
Thu 09 Jan
New✨EAST iNDIAN BomBSHELL==== Visiting LIMITED Time ✨👑 - 24
(Cranberry -- upscale -- hosting, Pittsburgh)
🔆Ur PIN-UP Beauty🔆 NiceAZz FRame..Melts in Ur Mouth-Not in Ur Hand..Back Around ThursFri..10/22-23 - 36
("Bck in the Burg"..Thurs Oct 22/23, Harrisburg)
open minded . . . . sexy & sweet . . . . yummy treat
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, hotel room)
Hometown girl...Ask about Specials.....Now accepting Credit Cards - 34
(Pittsburgh, 5 minute West of pittsburgh)
▐▃ ❤ ASIAN INCALL ❤▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃ REAL PIC▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃ HOT🔥NURU ❤ ▐▃▐▃▐▃▐▃ ❤ 🌸セクシーな美人 - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Cranberry Twp)
70【BEST LIPZ IN THEGAME】✘♥✘♥ IM THE TRUTH "NO LIE"【Certified Freak】✘♥✘♥ BiG B00TY $70【R€ÅDY NØW】70$$ - 24
(Pittsburgh, crafton INCALLS)
New Girl In Town❤️❤️❤️FreakY👅👅 Erotic 💦💦 Pleasure Pleaser 💦💦 Outcalls Only - 22
(Pittsburgh, Your place)
♡100% real super sexy girl next door!♡ check this blonde hair blue eyed beauty out ASAP! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh(southhills))
($150/hr) ★ S I M P L Y _ T H E _ B E S T ★ U P _ A L L _ N I G H T ! ★ - 31
(MONROEVILLE ($70 Specials)))
$160 SPECIAL ❤ █▓██▓█ ❤NEW ASIAN GIRLS ❤ █▓██▓█ ❤ █▓██▓█ ❤ SWEET CUTIES ❤ █▓██▓█ ❤ 267-721-6965 - 22
(Philadelphia, Outcall Only 267-721-6965)
♣♣♣♦♦♦○Married 26 ya ready Divoriced & Looking 4 A Good F*u*c*K & NSA & F*u*c*k○♦♦♦♣♣♣ - 30
~**ExoTic BeaUTifuL aNd VerY SkiLLeD SeducTreSS--Ask about Specials!!!!**~ - 23
(Monroeville Incall/Outcall)
?°° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuIReS ° I'Ll DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSIrEs °° ? - 20
(MonRoeViLLe 24 Hr InCaLL)
Dont End Your Friday Yet! Up all night so party w the exotic gorgeous duo or one of us. 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall airport s. hills greentre)
»»» PERFECT »»BODY »» PLAYMATE »» $100 Special - 21
(Pittsburgh, INCALL ONLY)
Wed 08 Jan