Mon 27 Jan
☆Need some TLC??! I know what u need!!!☆→♡Cami's♡ Amazing,☆EROTIC☆, full body ◇○MASSAGE!! ☆♡ ☆ - 30
(Pittsburgh, South Hills Area)
🌼MELiSSA iS BACK🌼 ✔️✔️PERFECT BodY ✯ ADDicTiVe °•○LeT Me WoRk My MaGiC oN YoU 💕 New pics - 21
(Cranberry and surrounding, Pittsburgh)
♥ I jUsT lOvE bEiNg. A.nAuGhTy GiRl ♥ IRisH bEaUty♥ LAsTdAy 120 SpEcIAlS - 21
(incalls..airport area)
~~~»» GIRL NEXT DOOR TYPE ««~~~ NICE * little * SNOW * BUNNY!!! [[[outcalls allover]]] - 23
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
1000 % ReaL GiRL 1000 % Sexy PiCS 100 % iNDePeNDeNT - 21
((* Summertime Specials*女)
YoU gOtTa TrY Me! ✖- ╳ -✖- 💜💕💜 S w E e T & J u i C y 💕 P e T i T e 💕 P l A y M a T e 💜💕💜 - 22
(Pittsburgh, MONROEVILLE incall outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
best in town ;) so come get down 347-894-1029 (InCall Only) $120 Special - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
Cranberry ____ Sq💦 Lovers Love Angela____I ❤ flaunting my pretty 🐺 kat - 23
(Cranberry hosting -Outcalls to youe, Pittsburgh)
Im NeW tO MoNrOeViLlE fIrStTiMe HeRe OnLy StAyInG lImItEd TiMe sO DoNt MiSs oUt On ThE bEsT - 24
(MoNrOeViLlE @Re@)
💋Real girls, real pictures, girls available now! Cash/credit - 19
(Pittsburgh, Washington,cranberry, greensburg)
🌟🌟—————💋 • P •°_°• L •°_°• A •°_°• Y •★• T •°_°• I •°_°• M •°_°• E • 💋—————🌟🌟 - 24 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding)
⭐Perfect Curves⭐ Playmate 💋 ((100%RealPics)) Sure to leave you Smiling! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Outcall ONLY)
Fri 10 Jan
/want- to- melt -with- happiness call me here for a short time only - 23
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Pittsburgh incall/outcall)
10o HR.(s*l*u*t*t*y ways: ) (©:* S U P E R ©:* S E X Y *:©:* MAGiC*:©:* :©) - 21
(Pittsburgh, incall/crafton)
100 hour*°?*°? BAD *?°*?° G!rls :;;;;;;; Do !t Better *?°*?° 1 0f The Best *?°*?° 100 hour Special - 23
(Philadelphia, North onlyy 100hr Punjabi girl)
💋💎1•0:0*%.*.Ɍ•ε:α*ℓ: 🌟δωεε† & Tempting 🌟【δυρεʀ δεxყ👅💦. 412~612~0180-✘ℴ ❤✘ - 24
(Monroeville in/outcall, Pittsburgh)
***** Every man deserves to be King of His Castle ***** ask about my specials starting at 100 - 23
Thu 09 Jan
Single Mom Seeks Serious Mature Gentleman For Help w/ Power Bill ASAP - 29
(Belle Vernon / Fayette City, Pittsburgh)
★___ ANY __★___ WAY __★___ YOU __★___ WANT __ ★__ IT __ !!_★ - 24
(Pittsburgh, MONROEVILLE ($pecials))
NEW PHOTOS -------- WELL ______ REVIEWED _________ PURE _____ BLISS --------- NEW REVIEWS - 24
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Area)
New Pics!!!! Bring the new year in with a b@@g!!!!!! - 34
(Pittsburgh, regant square/Wilkinsburg incalls)
HEAVENS NUDE BODY TO BODY GLIDE For Men Over 35, Lay Back Relax Let Me Do All The Work !! Heavens - 28
(15212 PITTSBURGH PA, Pittsburgh)
724-217-2190 Kissing ~ Cuddling ~ Wat * YOU * want & MORE... - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place)
"SPECIALS" I'm leaving the area very soon, so you're in luck !"SPECIALS"! "SPECIALS"! - 26
(Pgh suburbs)
Rainy Day Special....$100 hh. Call now 412 583 8023... - 34
(Pittsburgh, 5 minute West of pittsburgh)
Wed 08 Jan
~~ ~~ TRULY THE BEST ~~ ~~ SIMPLY STUNNING visiting for a short time /perfect - 33
** SUPER SEXY ** ========== GIRL ========= LOVELY & SWEET ========== 100% Real PICS $$$$$$ - 25
New Girl ;-)___WHITE___ -:¦ - -:¦:- TOP ★ Q U A L I T Y -:¦: -:¦:- -:¦: -:¦:- - ____GIRL___ - 19
(Pittsburgh PA)