Mon 27 Jan
New Girl ✈ FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ FLIGHT ✈ TO ✈ SENSUAL PARADISE ! ✈ ✈ 【100% REAL PIC】 - 5 ★ Star Quality - 21
(Outcalls~Outcalls~Outcalls🎁🎁🎁🎁😍😍😍, Pittsburgh)
My hoTt w3tT peach clobber will make you slobber!gf3 freak Triple8 he@dmaster - 20
** Highly skilled professional escort** I absolutely love what I do (available 7days - 26
(Pittsburgh, verona/ Oakmont)
Sun 12 Jan
*:©:* ExTrEmELy ©:* AddIcTiVe *:©:* BLoNde *::*HoTTiE !!!*:© - 21
(Pittsburgh In & Out Calls)
PERFECT 38DD-27-38 OUTCALL ONLY!! 412-251-2330 38 - 38
(Erie, Meadville, Pittsburgh, YOUR LOCATION! OUTCALL)
Sat 11 Jan
TrY SoMeThInG ExQuIsIt! LeT YoUr ExPiErIeNcE Be ThE OnE To ReMeMbEr!!!! - 27
(Pittsburgh, NeW StAnToN InCaLL/OutCaLL)
Outcall Available Monday Night done right with a sexy brunette thats thin and a body that's tight! - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Airport Area)
New Pics new PICS new PICS big jUIcY booty pREtTY face LeAvINg SoON LEAVING SOON - 23
💕🌌Greensburg upscale location 💜Sexy Curves💕Soft, Seductive touch 🌌💕💞Call Now💋 - 29
(Pittsburgh, 💋Greensburg💋)
♥ Gorgeous CURVEY ITALIAN Cutie With A Smackable BOOTY ♥ ~» HURRY! ONLY 2 MORE DAYS «~ - 23
(Airport Area 100/140/200)
°spc jUiCy ★ BooTy; ★; eBoNy °★° spc LeAvIn SoOn - 26
(Pittsburgh, ««MoNrOeViLLe ArEa»»(rt286)LiMitEd TiMe)
Fri 10 Jan
On Fire🔥🔥Pittsburghs hottest♨ ♨Redhead! I am everything you need and more! Outcall only - 27
Im a very freaky girl dont bring me to moma just turn this ass around in the back seat of the hummer - 24
T_A_K_E __o★o° _ Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y! - 20
❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴100% Me❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌First Time Here❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴NEW ASIAN INCALL ❌🔴❌🔴❌🔴❌ ❌🔴❌🔴❌ - 19
(Pittsburgh, W PITTSBURGH🔴INCALL🔴Steubenville pike)
Sexy Young Japan Baby! ▬▬💥👯👯👯👯👯💥 ▬▬ NEW IN TOWN ▬▬💥👯👯👯👯👯💥 ▬▬ GORGEOUS ▬▬💥👯👯👯👯👯💥 - 22
(PA Mars 💖💙💚 Incall Only, Pittsburgh)
x 0 x0 x0 x 0 x0 Relax and Unwind with a Massage x 0 x0 x 0 x0 x0 x 0 - 31
(Pittsburgh, Your Place Only)
▐▐🌺WANT YOUNG Asian Girl?🌺▐▐ 🌺HOTTIE BABY🌺🎀🎀🎀🌺Just ArriveD🌺🎀🎀🎀🌺NO YOUNG NO PAY🌺▐▐ 🌺412-656-0521🌺▐▐ - 21
(Pittsburgh, 🍒INCALL💚W PITTSBURGH👑Steubenville Pike💖)
**** ____________ ____________ Sometimes A Girl Just Needs A Guy To... __________ _____________ **** - 21
(Pittsburgh, ________ Downtown Pittsburgh _______)
~ __S___W _ _E___E___T __~_ L___ I __T__ T___L___E_ ~____~ _P___R___I___ N___C___E__ S___S~. - 25
Thu 09 Jan
....I wanna come over and PLAY!!! Ask About My Hot Blonde Girlfriend She CAn Play TOO!! - 21
(Incall (&) Outcall)
AvAiLaBLe RiGhT NoW [ LEAVIN IN COUPLE DAYS] ExxOTiC BLONDE ... AmaZing BodY ( FreaKie SkiLLs) - 19
(M0nR0EViLLE Area)
70【BEST LIPZ IN THEGAME】✘♥✘♥ IM THE TRUTH "NO LIE"【Certified Freak】✘♥✘♥ BiG B00TY $70【R€ÅDY NØW】70$$ - 24
(Pittsburgh, crafton INCALLS)
Wed 08 Jan
The experience of your life :) Incall/Outcall - 24
(Pittsburgh, Irwin/Delmont/New Stanton/Ur Place:))
The Best You'll Ever Have!!!!! Spare No Expense!!!Avail May 11-13 - 69
(Altoona, Pittsburgh, PITTSBURGH NORTH)
*;*If YoU kNeW BetTa u'D Do BeTtA!! ;~* BreAth Takin EboNy HeRe!!!*;* - 25
(Pittsburgh, Mosside blvd.)
👀 💋 🌟ⓟⓞⓡⓝStAr SkiLLz THaT'll GiVE You ChiLLs 👏⇊ShE ⇈ ⓙⓤⓢⓣ🇨🅰🇳🇹👎🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪↻₩iT ⇥♚🇲🇪♚👊 - 21
(INCALL ONLY, Pittsburgh)
*¨¨* CAUTION -:¦: *-:¦:-* *-:¦:-* *¨¨* WHEN -:¦:- -:¦:- - ROLLercOASTer! - 18
Tue 07 Jan
The RARE & The HOTTEST "BLAQUE DYAMOND"~ Ready N Waiting 4U!~ $130hr Special!! - 20
(Pittsburgh, turtle creek)
Specials avaliable. Pinky come play with me . Incall specials. - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/oakland/north/south)
★.•- ☆ SExY BAbY BLoNdE ☆ :-•. WHaT ELsE DO YoU NEED ☆ :-•★ - 23
(Allentown, Center City, In/Out, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, South, Southwest)
Kennedy - U ââ P ââ S ââ C ââ A ââ L ââ E ♥ âââ C ââ O ââ M ââ P ââ A ââ N ââ I ââ O ââ N âââ - 21
(Pittsburgh, PA)
Mon 06 Jan
Early Birds Get Sunday Best Well Reviewed Brunettte!! OUTCALL ONLY - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Areas)
BeauTiFuL GODDESS💢。。💓Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD。。💕H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD💭💭💭💕 🌺uℓtiℳαtε ExOti© ρℓαγℳαtE - 23
Sun 05 Jan
__ S__W__E __E__T __~__S__ E__X__X__Y __~__ A__N__D __~__ I__N__D__E__ P__E__N__ D__E__N __T__ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.)
(Outcall)Nikki is the best why bother with the rest. Im all u need!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Butler, Beaver, Greensboro)
KNOCKOUT -:¦:- HoT & NauGHTy -:¦:- sExY -:¦:- ABSOLUTELY -:¦:- INCREDIBLE lEaViNg SoOn - 24
(monroeville//lEaViNg ReAl SoOn)
Sat 04 Jan