Mon 27 Jan
Merry X - Mas Special AlL dAy ToDaY $ OnLy $ X-MaS SpEcIaL ToDaY $ OnLy $ - 24
(Pittsburgh, New stanton/Delmont/Irwin/Ur Place:))
🆕Morgan 💰👅👅👅 Now Booking 🌙 Evening Appointment 🗒 Watch 👀 My Video 🚪INCALL TODAY ONLY - 25
(OUTS & INS TODAY ONLY‼️ N🚫 Dates ⬇️ 25, Pittsburgh)
**Maria** PETITE BUSTY ! ready now cash/credit 100% real and recent pics! - 24
(Pittsburgh, pgh(1 hour radius))
_ _ LOVELY _ _ (( B_U_S_T_Y )) _ PLEASING _ is _ my _ PLEASURE _ :) SpeCials - 23
(pittsburgh in/out 24/7)
Mon 13 Jan
Sun 12 Jan
❤️💋💞Tina is ready! Sweet & Petite!!❤️💋💞100% real and recent pics! cash/credit - 21
(Downtown, washington, cranberry, airport, Pittsburgh)
📵CauTION 📵2692352364 is A FaKE GirL🚫 ShE is uSiNg My PiCs🚫 - 24 - 24
(Allentown, Harrisburg, Penn State, Philadelphia, PHOENIX, Pittsburgh)
Sat 11 Jan
💋💋Thick & Juicy Only Here One More Day Caught Me If U Can 💋💋💖💖Miss Niki - 30
(Pittsburgh, Springfield and downtown area)
☆☆B : : A : : D _ ✖ _ G : : I : : R : : L: : * █ °[[CERTIFIED TO SATISFY]] ♤♤ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Outcall)
( (N3W) )★ ( SW33T ___________ L!K3 ____________ H0N3Y )★ - SPECIALS NeW - 20
(greentree area/incalls only)
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY - -:¦:★ ★ - 18
( ( (ExTrEMeLY N@uGHTY) ) ) ___LAST DAY__ ( ( (LUcIOUS LIPS) ) )__ LAST DAY - 23
Fri 10 Jan
Leaving Soon ! The Woman Of your Dreams ---- 1OO % Real Deal - 24
(Mars Rt19 & Turnpike, Pittsburgh)
ViSitING!Jessamine💋💋NEW PICS!📸~ ☆Absolutely Beautiful☆ Small & Sensual, H0T & Wild: A MuST HaVE!💝 - 24
(Cranberry My place or Yours, Pittsburgh)
_________ _________ ________ ______ Sorry, But I Need To Vent ________ _________ __________ _______ - 18
(Pittsburgh, Downtown _______________________________)
-:¦:- D O E S N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- - 22
$75 SpEcIaLs :*:* BeAuTiFuL :*:* ClEaN :*: LeAvInG tOmMoRoW :*:* No DrAmA - 22
Mature Upscale (yet) Down-To-Earth & Highly SKILLED....DSL - 24
(Greentree / Downtown / Airport, Pittsburgh)
*O★O* DaY! ...?@&??#... YoU FIguRe It OuT!! *O★O* CALL ❤ ME - 24
Thu 09 Jan
👑 New to town, 100% real pictures,💋╚» ♥ YOUR #❶ CHOiCE ♥ ௸Gorgeous ௸Playmate 💎Avαiℓαbℓe NOW💋௸ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Uptown downtown in/out)
✨👘New Mixed VIETNAMESE Genie👅💦Your Dream Came True!💋Fantasies into Reality!❤️✨LAST DAY✈️ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
👏Stressed Out? Let's Play!!💋In or Outcall!🎉💄1of a kind🌡 Erotic, Nude, Full Body MASSAGE!!🛏 - 33
(Pittsburgh, South Hills Area)
(¯`'.¸ SuGaR & SpiCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaC TwiCe ¸.'´¯) - 23
NEW In Town🌹New To Business 🍒 Teach Me Some New😻😻 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Cranberry Incalls&Outcalls; 🌟t)
*** MoNdAy MaDnEsS *** Unrushed _ Fun _ Teaseing _ Role Play & PlEnTy MORE! Well reviewd - 24
(Pittsburgh, Delmont/Ur Place:))
gt;Look Sexy Exotic Egyptian Beauty 50 a.m. specials. dont miss out.leaving soon last day - 25
(GrEeN tRee)
————— ———————————— ———————————— ☆ §EXi€§† BrUnEtT€ ☆ ————— ———————————— ———————————— - 32
(Pittsburgh, Bloomfield area)
**HOLLY** TALL BUSTY BLONDE! available now! cash/credit - 21
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh and 1hr surrounding)
★ ★ S E X Y ★ ★ - 20
Wed 08 Jan
💋💋💜 ❥ 💗 ❤️ GORGEOUS »-💕-» PETITE 💖💖💖 CLASSY »-💕-» GIRL 💋💋💜💗 ♥❥ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Upscale Greentree Incall)
🌹 The girl next door with a naughty side behind closed doors - 99
(North (In Call Only), Pittsburgh)
Super Fun Day! Let's Play & also feel relaxed at the same time..... ** Unrushed ** - 24
(Pittsburgh, Delmont/Ur Place:) incall/outcall)
Monday again :( Come c me I will put a smile on ur face :) Unrushed, mutal Fun - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place:))
GUESS WHO RACHEAL I'm here NO TEXTING senior Special Tall Beauty WASHINGTON 70-79 Split - 42
(Pittsburgh, WASHINGTON 70-79 SPLIT)
AvALiAbLe NOW !°°FLAWLEsS [[ #1 ]]ItAliAN PRinCESS* * ur N E w ADDICTION.* LET' s P L A Y !!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, Duquesne)
TWO FREAKS ♥S U P E R **♥** S E X Y♥ - 19
€v€ry boys ₩ish £v£ry husbands s£cr£t😘Specials 100$ till 10pm - 20
(Pittsburgh, route 28 pittsburgh surroundings)
Start the week right with Monday specials w the exotic bunny Calla duos avail in/outcall 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, nhills oakland airport and grntree)
Tue 07 Jan