Sun 05 Jan
BooBs BooBs BooBS!! BACK IN TOWN!! * BooBs BooBs BooBs!! 100 SPECIALS!!! * BooBs BooBs BooBs * - 24
(pittsburgh in/out)
Best 2 Girls Avail... Have a slice of Ms. Mocha with a scoop of French Vanilla on the Side!!!! - 22
(Pittsburgh, monroeville incall)
Sat 04 Jan
NeVeRmInD ThE WiFe--- CoMe On OvEr-- I WoNt TeLL. (( LaSt DaY ) ) - 19
Smoking hot and SEXY MODEL is available TODAY and TOMORROW!!! Vostong the area for the first time!!! - 22
(Philadelphia, King of Prussia)
Sexy, sweet, caramel coated STRAWBERRY ♡♥♡♥ A~Tasty~Treat º•○●º•○● - 22
(Pittsburgh, Harmarville, Pittsburgh area)
👄 SEXY LEXI What U see 👀 is what U get 💯% the hot ENERGIZER BUNNY ready with 💯% hot rates 👄 - 24
FLaWLeSS🌹 💋 CALL ME⚠️🚨 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ UPSCALE BeAuTy⭐✴👛💄💎👠👗 - 24
Fun Pittsburgh Escort Call Me today --- 19 Years Old --- Every Day Is Your Birthday With Me - 19
Don't just look!!!! Try me out!!! Start your week off right :) - 27
(Pittsburgh, Private incall in Pittsburgh)
( . ) ( . ) YuMmy * YuMMy * SwEeT * LiKe * HoNEy!! ( . ) ( . ) - 23
(Pitt/Surrounding In/Out)
★ PuRe Pl€asuRe ★ With a SEXY Ebony Vixen ★ It Is * NOW * PlaYtime 60 spc - 26
S T U N N I N G ____________ ௵ _v e r i f i e d_ ௵ _ ___________B O M B S H E L L - - 25
** Rainy Day Come ~n~ Play :) Unrushed * Fun * & plenty MORE !!! (Well Reviewed) - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place:))
COME explore the hidden treasures of the far east with INDIA and CHINA LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN - 21
☛ L e T M e ✦ S h 0 W y0u W h Y ✦ BruneTTes Do It BeTTer ☛ - 21
(monroeville -I-N-C-A-L-L- -O-N-L-Y-)
Jamaican Beauty...Mrs. Sapphire Available Now!!! Outcall or incall!!! - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Monroeville areas)
👭👭 Camille 👭👭 AiM 2 PlEASE 👑 SKiLLED LiPS & GRiP 👌 iTS LiKE ThAT True Spinner 😉 - 20
(Pittsburgh, 💟 Greensburg💟)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* C_L_A_S_S_Y -- S_E_X_Y_ ---T_O_P -- N_O_T_C_H_ -- B_L_O_N_D_E_ OUTCALL - - 23
!!!CAUTION!!!! [★] ExTreMeLy HoT [★] !-{ HiGhLy aDDiCTiVe } { BrUneTTe BomBsHeLL} } - 27
Fri 03 Jan
MoNrOeViLLe [[ LeT Me CaTeR 2 U ]] FeTiShEs ,& MoRe. [[ SpEcIaLs ]] CaLL NoW. U KnOw U wAnT Me - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville LOOK [Im aVaILaBLe] cLiCk Me)
XO Companions: Dasha ★ ★ ★ VISITING ★ ★ ★ INCALL ★ Center City ★ Petite Ukrainian Blonde - 27
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Center City / Downtown)
(Pittsburgh, south hills century 3 incall)
Skyler p n p tonight sPECIALS ALL y n night 412 583 2591 right now - 24
(Pittsburgh, lawrenceville 412 583 2591)
* *%*%* LaSt HoUrS W/ mIxEd BeAuTy HuRrY *%*%* (NeW pICs) **YeS ** uR ** tReAt** - 22
(green tree area)
~~~~_____ JuSt ArRiVeD _____ _____ HaVe JuSt OnE oR TaKe Us BoTh _____ _____ JuSt ArRiVeD _____~~~~~ - 20
(IN / OUT)
Im ALL ur's !!!! Im ur girl for time being :) I will show u wat i can do :) - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ ur place)
Calaiforina Cutie in town... Come see why they call me Cali's finest! - 24
(Pittsburgh Outcalls Only)
*.♥.* Blonde HOTTIE ==> Avaliable *N*O*W* >>> Come & Get It *.♥.* - 21
(Pittsburgh In & Out Calls)
Thu 02 Jan
***NADIA*** PETITE, BUSTY, BLONDE! available now! cash/credit 100% real pictures 100%ME guaranteed! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh(hour radius))
MONDAY AM FUN w A Sexy DUO w SKYE, young sexy petite beauty ,and sexy italian RILEY 4123273353 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Greentree,robinson, crafton)
♕{Uηβεliεvεαβlε Ski∫ Everything You WANT NEED In One Package. - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Pa In & OutCalls (Point bree)