Sat 11 Jan
Were up late! Specials avail w Calla and Jaz two of the hottest exotic girls in the city 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, robinson airport greentree pgh in or out)
! *{{ FLAWLESS BeAuTY }}* __ S__ E__ X__ X__ X__ Y __*__ {{ UPSCALE CoMpaNiOn )) - 20
Where Do You Go When Your Wife Says No? Let Me Satisfy Those Urges for You! ;) - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In your arms ;))
Unrushed * Teaseing * Pleaseing Pleasure :) All about YOU today!!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place:))
° °•★ Warm Up With This All Natural 36D Exotic Snow Bunny°•★•° -- 412❤973❤2791 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Pittsburgh Outcall Only)
💖💖💖top asian model with pretty face!!!!!!! Shot stay for week only real 24 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Washington -pa)
Explosive SPECIALS for the 4th!! Sexy Italian Princess Giuliana all natural 36d real pics 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, near pgh/monroeville in harmarville)
🍇🍇💞💞💖Exotic🍇🍇🍇💕💕🍇💞 French CARRIBEAN🍇🍇 doll visiting! - 28
(Monroeville 20-21🍇 Cranbury 22-24, Pittsburgh)
~ Come have an unforgettable experience ~ pictures are recent and 100% me~ avail. 24/7 - 26
(Pittsburgh, Penn hills/ Verona ~ available 24/7 ;))
*** come play with me Im lonely plus I'm the real deal no gimmicks or rip offs **** - 26
(Pittsburgh, ☆ available 7days wk. verona/oakmont)
CoMe gEt SoMe rEaL ThRiLls 412-209-9761 (OuTCaLls oNlY) $80 $100 $150 - 23
(Pittsburgh, half hour from downtown)
Call Me for hot OUTCALL-- Warm Up With 38DD Sexy Snow Bunny Lissy•••• ☎Call Me - 29
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Pittsburgh *OUTCALL*)
🌺🍀🌺🍀🌺🍀 Biggest ASS ASS ASS in town HANSDOWN!! 🌺🍀🌺🍀 46 EEE BALLOONS 🌺🍀 Upscale Men ONLY 🌺🍀🌺🍀 FAT WARM & JUICY - 36
(Philadelphia, 🌺🍀🌺🍀 Stadiums/ 773-440-5126)
beautiful and always on time! Call me now and see me tonight! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh and surrounding)
Outcall Available Monday night done right with sexy brunette thats thin and +ight - 25
(Pittsburgh, Airport and local surrounding areas)
Fri 10 Jan
🌟Nothing Like the Way I Do🌟~36DD🌟Blonde Reviewed🌟 Babe🌟Nice n Wild🌟(Be in town 7/18-7/20) - 37
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh--Arriving--(July 18-July 20))
Join the Travelers Club - For the Businessman - Safe, Discreet, Beautiful Guaranteed - 34
(Most States, Pittsburgh)
▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►🚨THE▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ CANDY▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►💚STORE▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►💙 IS▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►💛NOW ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►💜OPEN▐ ▐ ►▐ 💘 - 21
(Churchill/ Penn hills, Pittsburgh)
TS Mahogany 10inch" GuArAnTeed! & FuLLy FuNcTiOnAL!! SIZE MATTERS!!! 330-577-7139 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh pa)
VIP ❣❣-------- VIP❣ -------VIP❣❣------- AVAILABLE Now!!VIP ❣--------VIP❣ --------VIP❣ - - 25
(Baldwin/Jefferson Hills, Pittsburgh)
~*tHe BeAuTiFuL MiSs MiA*~ rEaDii Or NoT PiTtSbUrGh HeRe i CoMe AnD iF uR LuCkY yOu WiLL tOo!!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Crafton-Pittsburgh)
$$$$$$$ The early bird catchs the worm !!!! early am specials $$$$$$$$$$ - 34
(Pittsburgh, incalls off 376 swissvale ave)
tall▬★ CLASSY*GIRL ★ ▬ ★ WITH ★▬▬▬▬ ★NASTY★ ▬▬ ★ THOUGHTS ▬▬▬▬★ - FETIShes WELCOME. - 28
The Beautiful STRAWBERRY *** ♡♥♡♥♡*** Come Spend Time With a Woman of Natural Beauty*** - 22
(Pittsburgh, Harmarville, Pa)
*/*/*/*/* THAT BEAUTIFUL????? ON BaCkPaGe??? No WAY hell YES Check Me Out ... SEXY D TITTIES!!!! - 21
(pittsburgh in/out)
The Hαρριεst Plαcε on Earth...100% Me 1000% Ready... WaitinG For You..... - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Green Tree,Area)
~*~SunShIne~*~ often IMITATED but never EQUALED!!!! - 29
(Pittsburgh, north of pittsburgh off 28 in/out)
Not To Much But Just Enough! Take A Bite Out Of Heaven;) SPECIALS!!! - 28
(Pittsburgh, PittsburghMills Rt28 & Surrounding)
♥⭐ n@ughty sexy upscale blonde babe ⭐♥ awaiting ur call NOW - 19
(Philadelphia, northeast incall only)
o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© {W/ A TIGERESS}o© - 40
______OuR ____ L i T T l e _____ SECRET ____ Dont Miss out Leaving soon =] - 20
(Pittsburgh, {{Safe Incall}})
***NeW *** ((( HIGHLY SKILLED))) **NeW** ((( HIGHLY GIFTED ))) **NeW** ((( HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ))) - 20
(greentree area/incall)
NÂUGh†¥ Ebony ★°•-:¦:-•° CU†¡€ °•★.. {{UnRu§h€D}} •• .. {{ 80 Roses §P€CiAL§}} - 23
(Pittsburgh, Harmarville/Penn hill incalls & outcalls)
New In Town🌹Limited Time🌹 Dominican Playmate🌹I Will Do Things Your Wife Can't Do😍😍😍 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry area Incalls&Outcalls; 5star)
NEW °= S_E_X_Y == °❤° == **DESIRABLE** == °❤° == T_R_E_A_T = KiLLER BoDY - 26
N U R U * B O D Y 2 B O DY * S L I D E with Kennedy Visiting (( 1 NIGH T ONLY )) - 27
(Pittsburgh, D O W N T O W N)
I'm here 4 *YOU* ; Fun Relaxing & Open Minded & plenty MORE !!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place:)
»*° ( I. HaVe. S _ K_ !_ L _ L _S. BaBy! ) *° ( ILL KEEp YoU CoMiNg BaCk 4 MoRe! ) » - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh in/out)