Fri 10 Jan
___________ ********* N@ughty Illusions Is Now Hiring Very N@ughty Girls ********** _____________ - 99
(Pittsburgh, NYC-Miami-DC-Boston-Chicago-LA)
TsParis 💋 I can be a Freak💦 Who's up being sneaky 👀 Come eat the booty like groceries 🙊 - 22
(East Liberty, Pittsburgh)
VIP ❣❣-------- VIP❣ -------VIP❣❣------- AVAILABLE Now!!VIP ❣--------VIP❣ --------VIP❣ - - 25
(Baldwin/Jefferson Hills, Pittsburgh)
X X X-A Truely Unforgetable XXXperience, TONIGHT ONLY 2 Girl Special -X X X - 23
(Pittsburgh/OutCall ONLY)
******* waiting for you! come enjoy yourself******** - 26
(Pittsburgh, border of plum/lower burrel incall)
```` SweeT SERVICE'S ```` (( BLoNDE BoMBER ))----->> WoW___ Blue Eyed PLAYBOY BUNNI - 25
(Pittsburgh, Upscale pittsburgh in/out)
~(( NeW..! ))~ SoFT. SiLKy. SKiN..! ~ PRoVoCaTiVe. SMiLe..! ~ FLiRTaTiouS. PeRSoNaLiTy.. - 21
** Nothing But Tha Best For Tha Best ** @nd Thats You Baby Call an Come See Me !!... - 22
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree)
NeW iN tOwN***TORY*** ThIcK vAnIlLa SwEeT tReAt - 24
(Pittsburgh, mckeesport north versailles duquesne)
° o ☎ o° A CALL YOU WON'T REGRET o° ☎ °o Roxxy - 24
(Pittsburgh, Call me & I'll tell you everything!)
=♛ { N__o__T__ H__ ! __ N__G __ ...♛... C__ o__ M __ P __ @ __ R __ 3 __S }♛= - - 23
Much Needed *ADULT* Time ! 2 way Street :) (Mutual) Not just 1 way. - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place :))
ITALIAN Vixen ;°o° EVERY°o° MAN'S °o° FANTASY ° An AbSoLuTe MuSt HaVe!!! - 21
(monroeville incall)
HOTT HOTT HOTT *****Clean and discreet 100% REAL PICS !!! - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh monroeville area)
I'm up to know Good...😉😃😉😃 let me be your dirty little secret - 19
(Crafton incalls and outcalls, Pittsburgh)
★ HoWEveR YoU WaNT It! ❤ YoU GoT IT! ❤ CoME GeT IT! ★ - 24
Be Captivated With The Company of an Elegant Woman (new pics, taken yesterday) - 36
(North of the City, Pittsburgh)
# All You Have Too Loose,Is A NUT !! (( *Avaliable till Midnight Boys *)) - 22
(Pittsburgh, cranberry (best specials Ever))
Sexy Freaky Tall Jamaican TS Goddess HUGE BUBBLE BUTT And Guaranteed "Heavy"! - 23
(Pittsburgh, HOTEL FIVE ***** GREENTREE)
(Pittsburgh, IN GREENTREE..2DAYS ONLY!!)
Unforgettable Personality & Body
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
★★ if you are looking for REAL TS 👀 this AD 👇100% REAL PICTURES ★★HEY GUYS !!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, ⚜️4mins DWNTWN /E Carson St / Southside)
Available Now Visiting Ts sexy the curvy treat busty and ready to meet men now - 26
(Pittsburgh, greentree pa incall /outcall)
SLiM bODy ..FuLL LiPS .GoRGeoUS FaCE & HOT TS mistress WITH :) mOrE inchs OF thick FUN - - 21
Sizzlin Mixx TS CD minutes from town firein brown sugar around - 25
(Pittsburgh, DOWN TOWN on line leets meet)
$100 Local Ts JeNN* H√U√N√G JuSt LiKe YU LiKeM w/RealPICS AVAIL Now AllDAY *BsT R!M IncludEd - 22
(Pittsburgh, 5min frm DOWNTOWN)
Colombian transsexual visiting from California this weekend - DONT MISS OUT the most gorgeous Tgirl - 24
(Pittsburgh, Greentree)
JuicY n Drippin'Lets GeT FrE@KY(kIllAhEAD)paRTY - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh East Discreet/Independent))
T✪TAL 👊 KN✪CK✪UT❌❌10"in Fully Loaded💦💦🍆Pretty Face💋 💯% ➜creamy Loads💦💦🍯Top&Bttm; Girl✔✔ - 21
(Greentree area, Pittsburgh)
$$$*** Amil Diamonds ***$$$ Availible Now ! ! ! - 22
(Pittsburgh, Greenfield Area just mins. from downtown)
SuPeR SuBmi$$iV3 * S P A R K L E* is doin wHaT oTh3r$ WONT!!! (oP3n-MiNd3d) - 18
(Robinson/Airport ($ubmi$$ive $p3ciaL))