Sat 04 Jan
brand new to back page my name is Caitlin I live in a private home in a great area - 35
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville and discreet private home)
!!!CAUTION!!!! [★] ExTreMeLy HoT [★] !-{ HiGhLy aDDiCTiVe } { BrUneTTe BomBsHeLL} } - 27
Fri 03 Jan
**Maria** PETITE BUSTY ! ready now cash/credit 100% real and recent pics! - 24
(Pittsburgh, pgh(1 hour radius))
👠SEXY 🔊VOCAL 💦SUPER SLIPPERY🚿CLEAN!!! Your dream woman. Come play with me! 🔥🔥 - 28
(Pittsburgh, West Mifflin, Bethel Park, Baldwin)
(~❤ ~GoRgEoUs ~MiXeD ~DomiNican ~ ❤ ~ Ready ~To ~Play ~ 24//7 ❤~) - 20
(Pittsburgh, ❀ GREENTREE)
FoR ThOsE CuRiOuS GuYs OnLy* HoT TrAnSSeXuAl DoLL ViSiTiNg * LAST NIGHT N TOWN...LeTs MaKe It HoT!!" - 25
+~***• ★PRETTY • ★• ———• ★SEXY • ★• ———• ★PRETTY • ★•***~+ - - - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville_____Incall)
Late night specials incall/out specials with the sexy sweet italian treat! 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, robinson airport greentree pgh in or out)
LAST NIGHT! Top-Notch Companion visiting Pittsburgh 100% SATISFACTION!! - 28
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh West)
(( LAST DAY )) :: CuRvY |•| Blue Eyed |•| BURNETTE :: (( LIMITED TIME ONLY )) - 25
(Pittsburgh, 🔹🔷 Monroeville 🔷🔹)
I'm openminded with a kinky imagination.for a Breast Man visiting two days - - 30
(Pittsburgh, Poconos, King OF RUSSIA)
❥!! ◕ ×°×°× It's PlayTime Boys ×°×°× ◕ !!❥ - 19
CaRoLiNa'S 38ddd'S / VaLiDaTeD & SaFe 5 StAr PrOviDeR w/ GrEaT ReViEwS * S E C R E T * (TER#147950) - 24
(Cranberry & McCantless (80 $pecial))
♥♥———CALL——— (( S)) ——— ((=K=)) ——— (( Y))——— ((=E=)) ———NOW——— ♥ ♥ - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh - Outcall)
BEST PITTSBURGH ESCORTS—— — — ►—— YOUR NEW # ❶ CHOICE ——— * ☆ * ——— L ~{ 0 } { 0 }~ K - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and Surrounding Area)
Thu 02 Jan
Spring is here and this RED HEAD is ready to Spring into action..... (in or out) 412-628-7424 - 31
* _____ Let's Play ___ T o t a l S w e e t h e a r t _____ Ready & Willing __ * - 20
(Pittsburgh, Moon incalls *)
☎~☎~☎ ✔I'm ☆Alw@ys ☆On ☆My ☆N@ughtiest ☆Beh@vior!! ✔☎~☎~☎ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding)
**** Eminent ** Arousal ** Event ** The ** Reading ** Area **** Mon 5/06 ** Only **** - 35
E Y E __ C A N D Y ___ S U P E R ___S E X Y __ ITALIAN ___ HOTTIE - 26