Fri 10 Jan
❤ [NEW 】 ✓【BUSTY】 ✓ 【 Spanish & Native American】 ✓ 【100% REAL PICS】 ✓ 【Available NOW】❤ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Airport INCALL Only)
HOT * WILD * NEW Brunette-Your Toes Will CURL And I'll Make You SQUIRM! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Greentree)
Friday Special!! *¨*Giuliana all natural 38d exotic Italian beauty avail now 724 493 3358¨* - 24
(Pittsburgh, north 28/near pgh +monroeville)
Got a case of the Mondays? I can help in/out calls now available 7242881493 - 31
(Houston pa and surrounding area, Pittsburgh)
HoT FuN°oO (♥) ( $60 Specials) °oO (♥) HoT ChOcLatE DeLight°oO (♥) - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incalls)
Hi my name pinneapples and my special today is 50 $.and i am a sexy choclate female - 26
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
80HH Rainy Specials Sexy Spanish Beauty ❤Afterwork Specials❤ 💎Petite Spinner💎 - 25
(Crafton, Pittsburgh)
10o HR.(s*l*u*t*t*y ways: ) (©:* S U P E R ©:* S E X Y *:©:* MAGiC*:©:* :©) - 21
(Pittsburgh, incall/crafton)
1(¯`'•.¸ ★ ¸.•'´¯) SWEET, HOT, NURU MASSAGE by ASIAN GIRLS (¯`'•.¸ ★ ¸.•'´¯) 215-820-8516 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 21
$70 $85 $130 New Special Sweet Ebony /// Limited time ?/// Late Nite - 21
(Loven me LOL Monroeville)
▬▬▬▬▬▬💕 Cute mixed babe 💕💕❄️❄️BABY ❄️💕❄️❄️💕1OO% REAL PICS GUARENTEED '💕💕❄️❄️💕▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(Greentree upscale, Pittsburgh)
Lomi Lomi massage &&& companionship 234 206 0543 - 30
(Pittsburgh, incall robinson OUT CALL after 7pm)
💞🎀💞💘⇖✘⇗ №➊ ReQUESTED ⇖✘⇗ 💞🎀💞💘✰ ✰ = BLONDE BOMBSHELL ✘⇗💞💞💘 ❌⭕❌⭕ H🔥O🔥T 💔 L🔥I🔥K🔥E 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E ❌⭕❌⭕ - 22
(Philadelphia, CENTER CITY)
Truly Angels Escorts Featuring *~CASSIDY CANE*~ & *~RENEE - COUTURE*~ Pre-Booking Is Essential!
TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BBW 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT - 33
(Pittsburgh, CRAFTON hwy 1-79 ext 60a)
Cαrεss, Glιdε & Squεεzε Your Wαy ιnto The Hαρριεst Plαcε on Earth...100% Me 1000% Ready... WaitinG - 23
(Pittsburgh, MonroeVille)
**DoUbLe TrOubLE** CuM AnD GeT ThE BeSt N FoRgET ABoUt ThE ReSt call us 216-644-4608 - 23
☆★☆★ CoMe ReLax AnD GeT an EyEFuLl Of ThEsE.... ☆★☆★ 70 Hh SpEcIaLs !!! **NEW PICS!!** - 27
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton Incall Only!!!)
((Blonde)) °o©°* ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °?©° ((=ADDiCTiVE=)) - - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA)
New Years Eve done Rght with a sexy and open minded brunette that's thin & +igh+! OUTCALL ONLY - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Locations)
Thu 09 Jan
YOUNG HoTT + Ready 4 TRoUbLE ;) * Let's Make 2Day XXXTRA SpEcial 🍒Beautiful Blonde Briella - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and Surrounding Areas)
Stop taking men's crap! Become a ballbuster! CA$H Paid. LEARN while you EARN! - 39
(Pittsburgh, about 20 minutes from Downtown)
Single female Offering Therapeutic Massages New Stanton Truckers Welcome - 42
(New Stanton, Pittsburgh)
🔥BuStY🔥💋🇹 🇴 🇵N◯TCH‼️ 💦🇸 🇺🇵 🇪 🇷 🌸 🇸 🇪 🇽 🇾💦 т♡ ρ ♡ƒ тhє ℓιηє ToEcuRLeR👅 - 22
(Allentown, Center City, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport)
discreet and petite.. ready to meet.. running specials all day and night. - 26
(McKees Rocks, Pittsburgh)
✨✨T.S Layla Banks here! Sexy upscale girl and Freaky💋💋Come play W/a Princess 👑👸Up All night! - 22
(Pittsburgh, East Liberty , Highland Park)
❤️IM TINA!❤️ Petite, fit, 34 DDs ready to please! FETISH FRIENDLY! 💰💋💳. Awake til 6am - 23
(Downtown, Washington, airport, cranberry, Pittsburgh)
Sorry for the guys that missed me guys Curently back in columbus ,oh... but have a happy new year - 24
Turkey Day Special !!! R u into Giving???? Turkey Day Special - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Delmont/Irwin/Ur Place:))
TGIF Spend it w one of us or all 3!! Devon tall thin model or Brooke Brazillian goddess 412 3273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Airport greentree)
The Real Deal 💋 (SWEET & CLASSY) 💛 SoOoOo SeXy 💜➜ $100$ •°1OO% ReAl° - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh international Airport)
Sweet!!🍭 TrIcK or tReAt👻HELP me🎃tAke off my 👿Halloween CosTumE*🍭 - 26
(Irwin west Mifflin white oak waterfront, Pittsburgh)
this is another level best thing to happen relaxing your night - 24
(Allentown, Altoona, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Williamsport)
$$$$ Sundays are great with me! 80$ specials $$$$ - 32
(Pittsburgh, north 28 exit 16 millerstown.sarver)
.NEW! 💄💋💦WiLD&FUN;💄💋💦Freaky Sexy Hottie👑 Available 💋 (412)877-0362 - 21
(Pittsburgh, homestead,century 3)
NeW! NeW! SeXy Curvy DD BuStY HoTTiE *WaItInG To mAkE YoUr DrEaMs CuM TrUe! SPECIALS!! - 23
NEW (FuLLY NRGiZD-NÕ BÅTTRiS) ¤24 HÕUR¤ DrÅM G!RL Sp3cI@l$ ((LiMiTeD tImE)) HuRrY - 22
(Pittsburgh, ___MONROEVILLE___ NEW BOOTY)