Sun 05 Jan
Sexy Mami Serena💦💦💦 Love to party Come keep me company I'm always available - 19
(Monroeville, Pittsburgh)
Slammin Body_All Your Dreams Have Come True _ 100% Me _ Im Gorgeous and Talented _ Im All U Need - 21
FRIDAY NIGHT PARTY , SPECIALS w the Exotic Italian Beauty Calla Or Duos 4 In or Out 412-327-3353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, airport greentree robinson pgh)
Pitt Students need $$$ HELP - tonight only - TWO Co-Ed's $299 (90 mins) - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh area)
BooBs BooBs BooBS!! BACK IN TOWN!! * BooBs BooBs BooBs!! 100 SPECIALS!!! * BooBs BooBs BooBs * - 24
(pittsburgh in/out)
Sat 04 Jan
FFROM St.louis ; 100% REAL PLEASURE befor you start that long WEEK•★• - 29
(Pittsburgh, CRAFTON hwy 1-79 ext 60a)
*S P E C I A L S ★ s_W_e_E_t ~ N~ s_ E_ x _ y ★P_ l_ A_ y_ F_ u_ L★ S P E C I A L S★ - 20
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh west/airport area)
*O★O* S_T_O_P! BoDy, FoRmAl MoDeL, GORGEOUS!!! *O★O* AVAILABLE NOW! ❤ - 24
Fri 03 Jan
Don't Wait For The Perfect Moment, Take The Moment & Make It Perfect (New Pic) - 36
(North (In Call Only), Pittsburgh)
You Found What You Was lOOking 4, Now Can You Handle What You Found.. :p - 21
(pittsburgh-Airport Area)
Thu 02 Jan