Wed 08 Jan
2 GIRLS_T_H_E _-• ★- • _F_U_N__° ☆ S_T_A_R_T S _• ★ •_ H_E_R_E ° Special$ - 23
(Pittsburgh, New Pics! Outcalls 24 Hours A Day!)
Tuesday night done right with a Sexy Brunette that is THIN and +igh+ OUTCALL ONLY! - 24
✄------- CUT Out The FAKES & Just See ME ✄ ------ ★ 46 !NCH S O F T BOOTY ★ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Arriving 8/31 : ) Prebook Me)
Tue 07 Jan
Classy, Beautiful & Petite Woman Available to Discerning, Mature Gentlemen, 40 + - 40
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Areas)
Ts Bed and Breakfast in Bellaire Bluffs of Largo Florida 33770 - 47
(Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, bellaire Bluffs of Largo Florida 33770)
◆Tired of women telling you no?◆ Call Phoenix for an unforgettable time ~ new to area - 30
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry Township incall)
♡☆Outcalls Monday All Day Long W A Naughty Redhead Whose Been Bad & Needs Spanked! ♡☆ - 33
(Pittsburgh, All Pittsburgh Areas!!)
*__ ; __*( OnE )*_ ; _*( iN a )*__; _*( MiLLioN )*_ _* *iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs! UP ALL NIGHT!!! - 21
!! NEW PICS !! °°__°_ B U S T Y * * P L A Y M A T E _°__°° !! 1000% ME !! - 25
(Pittsburgh, GreenTree/Carnegie area)
Its cold outside lets make it Hot and Steamy inside TODAY specials all day - 29
(Pittsburgh, washington pa)
Begining Of The Month 75 Come N Get Me Special..Im A Regular Girl So This Is For Real Leaving Soon - 31
(Pittsburgh, in)
Available -- Cultured Petite Blonde - Relaxation Massage and Companionship - 38
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Areas)
ATTENTION** L@st D@Y IN TOWN Kamore tha SPECAILIST*$30 $45 $50 $95 H - 25
Gabrielle sexy Italian princess waiting to come see you!!2 girl specials also avail 24 hrs! - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pa)
★10,000% me _____ ReD - hAiR - bLuE - eYeS _____ GREAT REVIEWS -- & -- SPECIALS ___ - 26
(Pittsburgh, -- monroeville --)
-:¦:- YOUR NEW -:¦:- # ❶ ADDICTION EBONY BARBIE O_N_E _i_N _A_ M_i_L_ L_i_O_N - 18
▐▐▐▐ 🏵 YOUR DREAM 🏵▐▐▐▐ ASIAN GIRL 🏵▐▐▐▐ 🏵 NEW NEW 🏵▐▐▐▐ 🏵 COME IN DOWN ▐▐▐▐ 🏵 IN CALL ONLY 🏵▐▐▐▐ 🏵 - 23
(Pittsburgh, ▐▐🏵6142144965▐▐🏵STEUBENVILLE PIKE🏵)
Mon 06 Jan
▓ ▒ *.•★* Y✪UNG SW€€T & S€XY *★•.* ▓ ▒ ▓ °•★ YOUR NEW ADDICTION★•° ▒ ▓ CALL NOW AVAILABLE ANYTIME ! - 20
(Pittsburgh, moon / robinson incalls _______)
~ S I N F U L L Y ~-~ S E D U C T I V E ~-~ S O A K I N G ~-~ & READY ~ (BB services too) - 24
Last hrs here come say your goodbyes to nina the cali cuban 6footah 60 special - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville (24hr incall))
Sun 05 Jan
Get ready for all this in 10 min!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, Donetska)
Female Owned And Operated - Make Between $1,200 And $1,400 Per Day Escorting - All Expenses Paid!!!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)