Fri 10 Jan
Outcall Available Tuesday Night done RIGHT with Sexy BRUNETTE thats thin and +ight - 25
(Pittsburgh, Airport and local surrounding areas)
"ThaNk U 2 ALL My GeNtleMen that ShoWeD Me a GreaT TiMe WhiLe InToWn...unTiL NeXt TimE XoXoXo!!!!!" - 25
(Pittsburgh, VisiTinG PITTSBURGH AREA NoW LeavingThuR)
*~Pittsburg's Princess!! BUSTY BEAUTIFUL TS. Monroe . 32-DD REAL~ *412-427-0457 - 25
(Pittsburgh, East End)
▃ ▅ ▆ █*NEW* █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ★HOT! SEXY BABE★ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ JUICY !!▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ IN/OUT - 23
(Pittsburgh, Visiting pittsburgh)
★¯`'.¸ N e W ★ > Se XX yy & PLayFuL♥ ♥ > ExoTiC BuStyy BRUNETTE - 21
(monroeville -I-N-C-A-L-L- -O-N-L-Y-)
★ DANGEROUS CURVES_★**BBW** Layla* incalls only - 30
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ exit 75. incalls only)
❤ Pure Pleasure From The Moment U Walk Through MY Door!! ❤ - 24
2 Hot Girls to get the PARTY started have one or both if you can handle us - 23
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON)
❤️Becky! Young Busty Blonde and petite!! 100% real and recent! Cash/credit❤️ - 23
(pgh(1 hour radius), Pittsburgh)
"★° LATIN GIRLS} { eXoTiC HoTTie'S} BeCCa (( 100 SPECIALS )) 484 522 8241 REAL PICS!! - 24
(Allentown, Incalls off rt 22 // outcall)
° °•★ Warm up with This Snow Bunny --all Natural 36D.... Available Now° °•★•° -- 412❤973❤2791 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Pittsburgh Outcall Only)
TWO iNDEPENDENt playful girls ready for fun&offering; specials&A; VERY unforgettable time, READY now! - 22
(Pittsburgh, SouthSide Pittsburgh)
Come see me to relax and unwind..I guarantee you that you will lose your mind 267-671-8964 - 30
(Philadelphia, Broad and Hunting Park)
_[[ *DANGEROUSLY *]]__[[* SMOKIN HOT BODY *]] __ [[*READY TO PLAY *]] __ [[* # 1 PICK*] - - 19
(¯`•♥•´¯) A_M_A_Z_I_N_G •♥• P_E_T_I_T_E •♥• B_R_U_N_E_T_T_E (¯`•♥•´¯) 1OOO% REAL - 19
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE 24/7 INCALL)
Thu 09 Jan
Cranberry 👈🏽👈🏽WELL REVIEWED ❤❤💦 The Ebony goddess ❤💦💦available now - 31
(Pittsburgh, ❤️ green tree 'now)
discreet and petite.. ready to meet.. running specials all day and night. - 26
(McKees Rocks, Pittsburgh)
Sorry for the guys that missed me guys Curently back in columbus ,oh... but have a happy new year - 24
New Pretty Face In Town . . . Come Play With this sexy mixed bombshell . . Im Ready! - 20
(Pittsburgh, (pittsburgh/ Green Tree ))
New pics 80 dollars specials have fun Happy New years special come and have fun. 4126078302 - 30
(Pittsburgh, monroeville by route48)
N U R U * B O D Y * S L I D E with Kennedy Visiting (( Feb 23rd)) for 1 NIGHT ONLY! - 27
(Pittsburgh, D O W N T O W N)
(¯`★´¯) JUiCyy-:¦:- Busty -:¦:- EboNy Hottie! (¯`★´¯) --->RaTeD! : SexiEsT - 24
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
J_U_S_T= ___ __ =W_H_A_T= ___ __ =Y_O_U= ___ __ =W_A_N_T= ____ ★ - 19
(Pittsburgh, monroville incall and outcall)
ALL HAIL TO THE QUEEN!!!! The best u never had!!! Exotic Italian Princess!!!!! - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (Outcalls))
★❤ ▄★▄❤ AMAZING❤ ▄▄❤ 80$ SPECIALS ❤ ▄▄▄❤ SUPER❤ ▄▄▄❤ SEXY ❤ ▄▄▄❤SUPER❤ ▄▄▄❤FREAKY❤ ▄★▄❤★ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Crafton, coraopolis (Incalls Only))
Athletic Men - Earn $1,000 for a SOLO video and up to $3,000 for other Adult Video Work
(Penn State, Pittsburgh)
!*! ♥ o°* Hot -N-Sweet Very Elite Fat ?. Transsexual Fre@K .s FF *°o ♥ !** - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pgh)
Hot & Sexy mixed TS Sarah Visiting (Dnt be fooled by the imposters)100% rael pics Great Rates!!! - 23
👄💌FEED YOUR FANTASY 👄💌.....spend the night with a sexy T-girl.....💏💑💏💑💏💑💘 - 21
(Pittsburgh, calls)
SORRY yo last girl was not the girl in the pic 1000% realpic (GOGGLE ME4 WEBSITE) NIALEE1 or BROWNIE - 24
(Pittsburgh, green tree)
Smokin' Hot [✔] $100 [✔] Naughty [✔] AVAILABLE NOW [✔]$100 - 18
(Airport Incall Outcalls Everywhere)
NEW! ♥ All Bottom TRANSSEXUAL Girl ♥ Excellent Skills! ♥ Incall ♥ CLASSY & DISCREET - 31
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville. May 31)
**NeW N ToWn** Slim n Sexy Ebony 4 nude Erotic Massages and Nuru bodyslides!! ;) - - 20
(Pittsburgh, Downtown University Area)
NEW # ! ♛ U.P.SC.A.LE ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ EXOTIC ♛ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E ♛ - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh and surrounding areas)
HERE BABES🌸🌸🌸SEXY HAWAIIN playmate is here! NEW NEW NEW girl to area! One of a kind 😍🌸🌸 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry/ upscale location)
B E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A U T I F U L - B R O O K L Y N - G A B R I E L L A - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh friday & Saturday ONLY)
.·´*¯° DrEaM No MoRe~I'M WhAt YoUr LoOkiN FoR*NaUgHtY, DeLiCiOuS &SwEet; To My CoRe.·´*¯° - 20
*¨¨*-:¦:-* S__ T__o__P _______ a__N__d _______ T__a__K__e ____ A ____ L__o_O_k. *¨¨*-:¦:-* - - 26
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville-mosside boulevard area,)
❤️ 💋🎈$100 special check out new pics tonight only 4126099464 🎈💋❤️ - 25
(Pittsburgh, ❤️ Greentree/InCall ONLY❤️)
* ( • )( • ) 34DD __•__ BRUNETTE __•__ 1000% REAL __ • __ OR IT'S FREE __ •__ LEAVING SOON!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry, Mars PA)
Cute Busty Brunette In MonroeVille For One Day Only, its Saturday Whos Ready To Play - 25
Come And Get What You've Been Waiting For! Exciting, Inviting + Unique and Discreet - 26
(E. of Pgh-Hotel room)
♥* BRuNeTTe BoMBsHeLL *♥* HiGhLy SKiLLeD & ADDiCTiVe *♥* 1OO% REAL *♥ AVaiLaBLe 24/7 - 19
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE 24/7 INCALL)
Wed 08 Jan
█ the body youve only DREAMED right here! w/ naughty intentions ;) █ SPECIALS! - 21
(Green Tree Area)
The Present That Someone You Neglected To Put On Your List Is @ This Number - 25
(with you somewhere in that pic below)