Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Friday Night Done Right with a Sexy Brunette thats Thin and +igh+! Outcall Onlyn - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Locations)
:¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦: - - 26
♛Ill treat you like the KING you are [☆THE ☆ PERFECT ☆ TREAT☆ ] ↕IM better ThEn ThEm↕ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Washington, PA!!!)
COME explore the hidden treasures of the far east with India LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN - 25
Caucasian Cake Factory Pound Cakes Cheek Hush Puppies & Muffins Snickerdoodle BLONDE NEW inCall - 30
(NEW LOCATION pittsburgh PRIVATE HOME, Pittsburgh)
°° CHARMING °° S E D U C T I V E °° B R U N E T T E °° S W E E T H E A R T - 27
(Pittsburgh in - out)
Sun 05 Jan
"Treatment fit for a King!¡! Jacuzzi and Reg Appointment Specials till 12am. - 28
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton Incalls/outcalls)
FREAKY & SEXY B L O N D E!! ** 36D-30-44 **Curvy & Busty Doll** Reviewed! LOW SPECIALS - 22
(**** 24hr ROBINSON (PiTTS) Incall ****)
Busty Exotic Beauty with a Booty&Seductive; Luscious Lips XoXoXo - 25
(Pittsburgh, Outcall Specials)
Sat 04 Jan
◇◇Sexy SEDUCTiVE Playmate 💖 Your Satisfaction Guaranteed - Erotic ◇ FantaSy 💖 GiRL NEXT D00R◇◇ - 23
(Center City, Erie, Germantown / Chesnut Hill, Philadelphia, Philly Outcalls & Incalls surr. area, Pittsburgh)
-:¦:-:*'"*: .-:¦:- YoUr MaTuRe SeXy -:¦:-:*'"*: .-:¦:- iTaLiAn Is HeRe -:¦:-:*'"* - 42
%% Sexy Black & Asian Beauty % Everyman deserves to b king!! Tired OF Fake PIC!! 100% me - 23
(airport (incall-outcall))
PITTSBURGH'S FAVORITE IS BACK! -- Super Busty 38Fs & Juicy Booty -- UPSCALE :: Specials!! - 21
*S P E C I A L S ★ s_W_e_E_t ~ N~ s_ E_ x _ y ★P_ l_ A_ y_ F_ u_ L★ S P E C I A L S★ - 20
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh west/airport area)
Fri 03 Jan
CaRoLiNa'S 38ddd'S / VaLiDaTeD & SaFe 5 StAr PrOviDeR w/ GrEaT ReViEwS * S E C R E T * (TER#147950) - 24
(Cranberry & McCantless (80 $pecial))
Thu 02 Jan