Sat 04 Jan
FFROM St.louis ; 100% REAL PLEASURE befor you start that long WEEK•★• - 29
(Pittsburgh, CRAFTON hwy 1-79 ext 60a)
____________ ____________ Sometimes A Girl Just Needs A Guy To... __________ _____________________ - 21
(Pittsburgh, ___________ Downtown _____________)
Fri 03 Jan
Get ready for love!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, Donetska)
°°★°° GirLS LiKe Me OnLy CoMe aRoUnD OnCe iN a WhiLe ! °°★°° - 21
(GreenTree in/out calls Call now)
FoR ThOsE CuRiOuS GuYs OnLy* HoT TrAnSSeXuAl DoLL ViSiTiNg * LAST NIGHT N TOWN...LeTs MaKe It HoT!!" - 25
🌟Your Chosen 1✨ Specials💦 💦 💫 💦👄🌟 Tired of FAKES✨💫 💦viedo Proof💯💯💯 - 21
(Pittsburgh, 👀Cranberry Incalls Outcalls Anywere�💯)
SeXXi MiSs MiA*~*iTaLiAn PriNcEsS.KiLLeR cUrVeS!!! rEaDii N WiLLiNg! WeEkEnD sPeCiALS!!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton)
Thu 02 Jan