Sat 11 Jan
Beauty... Brains... And No Games.. Avail... Upscale In call, Outs Avail!! - 18
(Pittsburgh, Airport area(in & out))
☆★☆★☆B E A U T I F U L ★☆★☆★WHiTEGiRL A N G E L ☆★☆★☆A V A I L A B L E NoW ★☆★☆★- - 24
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville / Pittsburgh Outcalls!!)
Are u sick of girls posting fake pictures?? CALL ME CANDIE!! 100% me or free ★★ - 25
(Pittsburgh, outcall/incall monroeville 24/7)
·.¸¸.·´¯♥ ·. * ( ( BOoB-a-liCioUs ) ) * ( ( CuRVy ) ) * ( ( BRuNEttE ) ) * (( NoW AVAILABLE))
!! !! --> B e A u T i F u L way to F u L F i L this DaY !! !! !!* BUSTY BRUNETTE READY 2 PLAY!!* - 23
(monroeville -I-N-C-A-L-L- -O-N-L-Y-)
█ ►★ Biggest AZZ in Pitts! Last Night!! Celebrity Adult Movie Star! BBW - 27
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh 810-882-7345)
B E A U T I F U L ! High End Clientele Only ! Visiting Nov. 9-16 - 69
BELLATONI 36DDDreviews/vids escort massage bodyglide fetish toys fun CLEAN safe! xmas eve - 40
(NOW greentree,,,,, Pittsburgh)
Best in the burgh!! Big booty coke bottle body italian 💋 outcalls only !! I drive in Snow ;) - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Pittsburgh)
♥ {GoRgEoUs *TAN* bLoNdE!!!} ___ *EXoTiC *SUNSHiNE!!!* __*LaSt cHaNcE!!!* ♥ - 25
(Pittsburgh, [[__MONROEVILLE__]])
_ =BLONDE=_ ( (24 HoUr PartY TiMe ) ) HoW MaNy LiCkS DoEs iT TaKe To GeT tO ThE CenTeR _ =_=_=_ - 21
(Pittsburgh, MoNRoEviLLe ((22)) oFF TuRNPiKE eASy)
*Beautifully Classy Yet Extremly Nasty * Brand New With Sun nght lowest deals* - 21
(Pittsburgh, North of 28 and Surronding Areas)
BEWARE! °U° __ °N° __ °B° __ °E° __ °L° __°I° __ °V° __ °E° __ °B°__ °L°__ °E° - 23
BACK RACHEAL Mature Tall Beauty Senior Special Robinson Township REVIEWED - 48
(Pittsburgh, ROBINSON Township)
(( B L O N D E )) ___ *38DD*___ {SuPeR}___ :H O T: ___ [&] ___ =SWEET= _____ lNCALL SPECIALS! - 29
(Pittsburgh, INCALL)
Back in the Burgh and ready to play! Hot fre$h, and Simply the Best! OUTCALL ONLY Discreet - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Locations)
*(¯`'.¸* ___(¯`'.¸* Best Rates in Town ... Best Services ... Check Me Out __ *¸.'´¯)___ *¸.'´¯)* - 31
(Monroeville ($pecial$))
Available to all Elite Businessman {Who desire the BEST} - 22 -- THIS IS BOGUS - 45
(Pittsburgh, Undisclosed)
♞♞♞►♞♞♞►♞♞♞► Asian Treasure ! ◄♞♞♞♞►♞ ♞♞► ▃❤▃ Sexy Kroean ▃❤▃ ▃ ◆♛Incall ✿♞♞♞► 917-349-3197♞♞♞►♞♞♞►♞ - 23
(Pittsburgh, ❤️❤️❤️ 917-349-3197 ❤️❤️❤️ MONROEVILLE)
amazing skills *:* one of a kind beauty
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, anywhere you want me!)
#$%%&3Sexy Strawberry Mommi Here To Please&3**#$^$ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Robinson township/surrounding areas)
**Bianca is back!** Erotic * Sexy * Always ready!** - 27
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville-Delmont-Greensburg)
♥ Gorgeous CURVEY ITALIAN Cutie With A Smackable BOOTY ♥ ~» HURRY! ONLY 2 MORE DAYS «~ - 23
(Airport Area 100/140/200)
Arianna...busty, petite and supersweet!!! 412-452-8300 - 36
(Pittsburgh, pgh..beechview incall/ outcall wherever)