Sat 11 Jan
Give ur body the attention and rub that it needs with a great massage in /outcalls 412-694-4126 - 27
(Pittsburgh, avalon rt.65 five mins frm dwntwn)
:*: *STUNNING :*: * :*: *SO SEXY :*: OpEn MiNdEd :*: *NO DISAPPOINTMENTS :*: - 33
(Pittsburgh, North/ IN CALL)
► STEELERS GIRL !!! Let me the fun after the game !! CALL NOW!!! 120kiss special!! - 21
*► ♥ ¡!¡SPECIALS¡!¡ »-(¯`v´¯) »- **¡!¡ JUST FOR YOU DADDY!¡!** __ »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 24
(east carnegie//green tree)
NeW !! NEW !! NeW !! ★★ C _ H _ R _ I _ S _ T _ M _ A _ S_ ★★ ★★ ★★ 《《 S.P.E.C.i.A.L.S 》》 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville/ Mall Plaza Blvd ___________)
NEW P/V 36DDD REAL clean safe great service reasonable rate escort bodyglid toys fetish last wk gntr - 40
(In Greentree, Pittsburgh)
( N ) ( E ) ( W ) V!S!t!Ng F0r Sh0Rt T!Me :: L0W SPEC!@LS - Exx0T!c BlondE - 19
DO ALL thingz WIFEY Won't DO!!! azz so big like the sun. Buffy Can go sit down! - 22
(Philadelphia, Collingdale,Southwest,Airport.westphila.)
BACK 4 U** ( )( ) 34DD _____ BOMBSHELL ____ VIXEN __ __ SMOKING HOT __ __ XOXO - 25
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry)
$60 SpEcIaLs ☆ LaSt NiGhT ☆ $60 SpEcIaLs ☆ A+ qUaLiTy SeRvIcE!! - 22
ToP & BoTToM! " 100% " ReaL SHEMALE LiSa CoME Indulge in The EXTRAORDINARY Visting NoW (Crafton) - 23
100% Me 100HH Please Read Ad ((Stunning Petite New Beauty)) Available Now! - 24
(CRAFTON, Pittsburgh)
TODAY ONLY!! ☎ H☀ £iK Fir WH§ Y☀Ur D§IR ☎ Wearing Nothing But Heels - 27
(Allentown, Bethlehem (Caucasian) GR8 REVIEWS129524)
Every Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Details
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
DAPHNE Your HoTTeST ExOTIC ERoTIC FaNTaSY CoMe TRuE VisitinG!!! VisitinG!!! - 28
(Pittsburgh, North Hills incalls AND outcalls)
looking to unwind? experiance a night u will never forget!!!! - 21
(Pittsburgh, harmarville (incall only))
🌹The "Rubix Cube": gets harder the more you play with it! - 33
(Altoona, Erie, Harrisburg, Meadville, Penn State, Pittsburgh, North (Wex / Cran Area))
Fri 10 Jan
UnBeLiEvAbLe SPECIALS ♥ ×X× UltiMATE ×X× ♥ SPECIALS! ! - 24
((greentree) uNbELiEvaBlE sPeCiAlS 2DaY)
The Real Deal*New Booty $pecials ~Visiting~ Sat La$t Day ~I Bet $he Cant Do It Like Me Papi. . . - 24
I AM °YouR* (..1st..) °* CLaSS *° °* TiCKET *° (.to.) °* *° °* SATiSFACTiON - - 19
(Pittsburgh, Incalls Only)
I * aM tHe GiRl *aLL GuYs* WaNt AnD I * Got -* ExXxactly * What* You*NeEd - 25
AMAZING curvaceous. .THIcK SwEeT N SExY CuRvacoUS BLoNDE !!ChECk THiS OUT!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, southside (pinetree gardens))
Body2 Body Mutual Touch Nude Body rub sensual Swedish nuru prostate Independent 38ggg mature 100Hspe - 36
(downtown pittsbuurg, Pittsburgh)
Ask for the special NURU massage... - 23
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, InCall, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Tired of not making money at your day job??? Make a killing in New York on the weekend and fly back.
(New York)
Tabitha, the Sexiest , Curvy young Hottie in Youngstown Tonight! outcall only - 24
(Youngstown outcall only)
Sweet n Sexy Brunette Lady *** :) with a Blend of Naughty and Nice that makes me Irresistible - 25
Need A Lil Morning Pleasure?! $pecial$ Beaver County Incall! LOW RATES! - 36
【 Misha 】💜🌟🌟💜🌟🌟💜 Gorgeous White/Black/Native American Beauty 💜🌟🌟💜🌟🌟💜 - 31
(Altoona, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Williamsport, Your Place...Visiting PRE BOOK REQUIRED)
******* Love your sundays with me **&**&*** early bird specials - 34
(Pittsburgh, incalls off 376 swissvale ave)
✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ HOT ASIAN GIRL ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ FIRST DAY ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ 100% REAL ME ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ 412-656-0521 - 21
(Pittsburgh, 💜INCALL✿Steubenville Pike🐝W PITTSBURGH💄)
Holy @$!# It's Cold Outside! Warm Me Up Baby!! Beaver County Incall! LOW RATES! - 36
(G*F *E SpEc!aLs) 80/20 ** 100/30 {2x's} ** 160/60 ** LAST NiTE!! (( CURVY & THiCK_ B L O N D E ** - 22
(24hr Pittsburgh (Near Airport) IN ***)