Sat 11 Jan
**let me show you what the best feels like ***
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, hotel room)
YoU MiSS Me The OtHER DaY, FOUnd ME toDay. ShE WaSTED YouR TIME LaSt TIME? WELL I'll MaKe IT uP 2 U - 22
:¦: -£ÕV£Y .- :¦:- XÕIC .-:¦:-. BUSTY GoDDeSS-:¦:- AVA!LABL!! 38DDD - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Pittsburgh)
************ TAKE A BREAK AND CUM SEE ME- New Superstar Available Now- SPECIALS ALL DAY ************ - 24
star is here ready for you to be her number 1 incalls 4125299863 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Belle Vernon and surrounding areas)
Explosive SPECIALS for the 4th!! Sexy Italian Princess Giuliana all natural 36d real pics 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, near pgh/monroeville in harmarville)
🍇🍇💞💞💖Exotic🍇🍇🍇💕💕🍇💞 French CARRIBEAN🍇🍇 doll visiting! - 28
(Monroeville 20-21🍇 Cranbury 22-24, Pittsburgh)
Sizzling Hot Coed with a Super Sexy and Great Body - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, anywhere you want me!)
NeW!! ToTALLy HOT! PeRKy C's AMPLe BooTy BLoNde BoMbSheLL LeT Me SeRve YoU PaPi :)!!!*** - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incall & Outcall 24 Hours)
$$$$$$ mIsS GiOvAnNa CaPrI MoNrOeViLLeS bEsT KePt SeCrEt 2672165638 $$$$$$$ - 21
(Monroeville incall 60 100 160 until 6am)
Fri 10 Jan
🌟Nothing Like the Way I Do🌟~36DD🌟Blonde Reviewed🌟 Babe🌟Nice n Wild🌟(Be in town 7/18-7/20) - 37
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh--Arriving--(July 18-July 20))
Let me make tonight amazing! Beautiful natural redhead here to help you relax and feel great! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding areas)
2 Days 0Nl¥!!ReTuRNinG PL@¥buNNy👯ViSiTinG SweeThEarT~Th!cK HiPS, 🍭C@Nd¥ LiPs💋, N0 SLip Gr!P💢~ - 24
(Cranberry township mine or yours, Pittsburgh)
Ts new here Passable and attractive - 23
(Erie, Incall/out, Lancaster, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Scranton)
~*tHe BeAuTiFuL MiSs MiA*~ rEaDii Or NoT PiTtSbUrGh HeRe i CoMe AnD iF uR LuCkY yOu WiLL tOo!!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Crafton-Pittsburgh)
(((( NEW Location ))))) Hot Seductive Film star COME play IM ready Willing & waiting!!! - 23
(Monroeville (incall-outcall))
»*° ( I. HaVe. S _ K_ !_ L _ L _S. BaBy! ) *° ( ILL KEEp YoU CoMiNg BaCk 4 MoRe! ) » - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh in/out)
Beautiful Girls!!! Ready for you NOW!!! OUTCALL! FAST! DISCREET! Cash/Credit - 21
(Pittsburgh, radius of pgh)
amazing skills *:* one of a kind beauty
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In your arms ;))
AMAZING NEW PICS --- ßLÂCK ==PÂN¡§ ==ßLÂCk ==HL§ ==©ØM § HØW §Øf h¡§ FL§ - 27
(Pittsburgh, Greentree In/ Out LOTSA GR8 REVIEWS)
Aliquippa Incall! @$Beautiful😗❤💋luscious blonde 😍💞LET ME TAKE UAWAY 👄👅 - 29
(Aliquippa,Beaver county, Pittsburgh)
$30 Authentic Chinese 推拿 TUI NA or 指压 ZHI YA body massage only $30 - 36
(39 West Main Street 15106, Pittsburgh)
Tired of not making money at your day job??? Make a killing in New York on the weekend and fly back.
(New York)
🔥(VIDEO PROOF) CoMe DiG 🍆 My Hol€ ⭕ oUT 💦DaDdy 👦 i BEeN A BaD🚫 GiRL👧 ❗❗👌👌 🎱❄️🦄 - 19
~*~START ~ YOUR~ YEAR ~ OFF ~With Something That Will Make U Smile!!! ~*412-482-4088 *~* Stephany* - 24
(FUN)) - ((Flirtacious Attitude)) - ((HOT)) - ((Busty)) - ((Blonde)) - ((Available Now)) - 27
(Pittsburgh, pgh my place or yours)
[50 SP€CL]*NEW VIDEO* [BiG BOOt¥/ LiT€ sKiN] Quiet Room [Busty 40 DD's] °•P☆RN•° aprvd - 20
(Pittsburgh, Incalls Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
💯4 F00T 11 INCH🏁🏁 7 H0URS LEFT �🏁 53" MASSiVE P0RNSTAR CAKES 📽 38F B00BS 🚘 iN/OuTs - 24
(AIRPORT💋Leaving iN the Morning 💋, Philadelphia, Southwest)
$100HH Incall Before10Am! Exotic Armenian Beauty 💕KiNKY SWEET&FUN;💕 (Well Reviewed) Fetish Friendly - 24
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry TownShip)
🆕 ᔕυƤƎЯ ✞Ꭵ❡ℍ✞ ✊😺💦 ➡CℓiCK ME⬅ ᔕυƤƎЯ CREAMY❗⭐Officiaℓ L O A D BUSTIN gRiP⭐ⓨⓞⓤⓡ Dяєαм Coмє †яυє!↬ - 24
(Out ... N O W 🏡🚙, Pittsburgh)
☆ _☆_ 100% REAL & BuStY rEdHeD ___ * ___SEXY SPECIALS AvAiLaBLe NoW ____ ☆ - 26
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry)
√ 50ss √ 70hh √ 150 hr ⭐⭐ Upscale Incall⭐⭐Blue Eyed ⭐⭐Blonde⭐⭐Curvy Cutie⭐⭐ 567-868-4664 - 29
(Pittsburgh, Robinson near Mall incall only)
38ddd'S / VaLiDaTeD & SaFe 5 StAr PrOviDeR w/ ExCeLLeNt ReViEwS * S E C R E T * (TER#147950) - 24
(Cranberry & surrounding area)
❥❥❥❥❥❥ KINKY curvy petite blonde with a soft touch, READY TO PLEASE!!! Call me now ♛ - 22
(green tree, Pittsburgh)
2GiRLSPECIAL❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ Available now!! PICK 1 OR BOTH 2GETHER ❤ - 25
💋❤️TINA!! YOUNG, SWEET, PETITE!! cash/credit! Pics 100% real and recent! - 21
(Airport, Washington, harmerville, Pittsburgh)
---::((((--- DOUBLE THE PLEASURE DOUBLE THE FUN ---))))::--- - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh - All areas)