Fri 10 Jan
💗💗💗Super soft and Curvy♡♡♡incall and specials on Outcall - 30
(Pittsburgh, Westmoreland County/Irwin area)
Start Your NEW YEAR off the right ... I have SOMETHING SPECIAL for YOU .. Filipina Hottie ! - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville -incalls)
Start your weekend off right! Complete relaxation is just a phone call away! - 30
(Pittsburgh, Near Monroeville)
{ STOP } { RIGHT } { THERE } { !!!!! } { √ } { OUT } { THIS } { BOMBSHELL } - 25
specials all night give me a call !!!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, hotel room)
Starlets Girls Are Waiting For YOUR Call. Let Us Give You A Night To Remember! - 22
(Pittsburgh, PA)
Start The New Year off with the One and Only JULIA***Special 100 One Stop Shop - 26
(Pittsburgh, incall Cranberry)
*SiZzLiNg HoT* ReD HaIReD BeAuTY*DD SiLkY sMOoTh*PuRe PlEaSuRe*ToTal SaTiSfAcTiOn - 26
(robinson/airport in-out call)
SPECIALS 🌟 💕💎CERTIFIED n' VERIFIED 💖💎 BAdGirL 💎💖🌟🔥💕 Take Your 💦 💦💦💦👅 Breath Away - 25 - 25
Spring Break pleasure with Lynn, Unrushed * Teasing * Two way street * & MORE! - 25
(Pittsburgh, new stanton/ur place)
☆Need some TLC??! See Me!!!☆→♡Cami's♡ Amazing,☆EROTIC☆, full body ◇○MASSAGE!! ☆♡ ☆ - 30
(Pittsburgh, South Hills Area)
Need A Lil Morning Pleasure?! $pecial$ Beaver County Incall! LOW RATES! - 36
Not gEtTiNg it at HOME? Call ME!! *Available now; up late* - 29
(Pittsburgh, north of Pittsburgh off 28 in/out)
( N@uGhTY ) ★ °-:SeXy¦:-° .... ©UT¡ °★ ... ¢@LL NoW... ( 100% R@L ) - 19
(Pittsburgh Airport Incall)
{{ MoNrOeViLLe LoOk }} OnE BaDD BuNNy. {{ SkY's In ToWn NoW }} - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville LOOK [Im aVaILaBLe] cLiCk Me)
Much Needed *ADULT* Time? When Im done u Won't Wanna Leave :) Lynn - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/UR Place Home/Hotel :))
👣👣🎯🎯 ☆❤ New Girl Just Arrived❤ ☆ ☆◎ ☏ INCALL ONLY ☏ ◎☆ CASSANDRA L0VE~ - - 24
(Greentree, Pittsburgh)
*~* Maturity @ It's Finest With a Soft Thick n Sexy ~* BBW, Built For Comfort Aim To Please *~ BBW - 51
(Pittsburgh, Good Bye returning 10/30)
!!💋!!Look NO Further!! New, Sexy, and Young LIMITED edition 💋 Available NOW - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
******* Love your sundays with me **&**&*** early bird specials - 34
(Pittsburgh, incalls off 376 swissvale ave)
MONROEVILE SAT 8AM on 36DDD italian RN Real &reviews; funclean sensual/kinky - 40
(monroeville & GREENTREE, Pittsburgh)
Welcome to My Playhouse, Where Your Door Prize is A Wealth of A Small Space In My Heart - 26
LOOK ••► *•-:¦:-•* SeXXy Seductive BRUNETTE* ★ * :¦:-•* Stunning and Amazing! Out Call SpECIALSCALL! - 25
(Pittsburgh, cranberry)
M a s s a g e by 3 6 E Busty Mediterranean. CC's Accepted. Discreet and Pretty - 99
(Pittsburgh, yours only)
i am available PLAYING all dayvand NIGHT let me PLEASUREyou today!!!! - 36
(Pittsburgh, East Pittsburgh)
✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ HOT ASIAN GIRL ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ FIRST DAY ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ 100% REAL ME ✦▃▃▐▐▐▐▃▃✦ 412-656-0521 - 21
(Pittsburgh, 💜INCALL✿Steubenville Pike🐝W PITTSBURGH💄)
Gabrielle one of pittsburghs most beautiful girls available every night til 6am! outcall only - 22
(Pittsburgh pa)
Got a case of the Mondays? I can help in/out calls now available 7242881493 - 31
(Houston pa and surrounding area, Pittsburgh)
HoT FuN°oO (♥) ( $60 Specials) °oO (♥) HoT ChOcLatE DeLight°oO (♥) - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incalls)