Fri 10 Jan
Transsexual Escort Shows You The Best of Both Worlds! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Fuck This Horny Mature Woman Today - So Tight And Wet ! Just Do Me Hard! The Real FACEBOOK Of Sex !
(i am really new to this - you can check out my low rates & hot pics inside)
WoW!!☆* FiVe St★R * ChOcoLaTe 🍫🍭BaRbiE * SeXy HoTT * Carribean CuTiE ☆ AvAiLabLe NoW !! 9inFF 💦😘 - 21
(Altoona, Pittsburgh, Oakland/ Upscale Loc)
Wednesday The 22nd. Early Morning and all day !!~~Call me **** SpEcIaL SPECIAL ~~~ Red - 31
(off turnpike Are you traveling)
VIP ❣❣-------- VIP❣ -------VIP❣❣------- AVAILABLE Now!!VIP ❣--------VIP❣ --------VIP❣ - - 25
(Baldwin/Jefferson Hills, Pittsburgh)
👑 TIRED OF FAKES★ℳγ Uηβεliεvεαβlε 5☆★☆★☆ Ski∫∫s 🎀Accurate photos greatpersonality - 22
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
❤ ❤ ❤ THE PERFECT BRAZILIAN BEAUTY ❤ ❤ ❤ Visiting for 2 more days only!ENJOY! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Airport area)
(Green Tree Ncall)
😚💎{THE PERFECT 🍒 eXoTiC🌴UpScaLe💦TREAT}💕 [★] 🍒{Sweet & Naughty}🔥[★]💎 {τθρ Qυαℓιτγ 5🌟€bony} - 23
(New Stanton (incalls only), Pittsburgh)
💋The one you've Been waiting on Flawless beauty on Duty👑👙💋 - 25
(Cranberry n surrounding, Pittsburgh)
*-**-Tired * of * all * the * fakes * the * search * is * over-**-* im the real deal - 23
(Pittsburgh, monroeville**in/outcall specials)
(¯` '.¸o° ♥ o°CAPTIVATING* * SEDUCTRESS * FIVE STAR *PROVIDER* °o♥ °o¸.'´¯) - 19
Outcall Available Tuesday Night done RIGHT with Sexy BRUNETTE thats thin and +ight - 25
(Pittsburgh, Airport and local surrounding areas)
🌟❤️NeW CuTie On DuTy.👄👅ExoTiC FuN SiZe..🍬🍭ReAdy To RoCk YouR WoRld.🔥💖 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,Downtown Pittsburgh)
♡ *• OPEN MINDED •*♡【 HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe BiTESiZe CUTIE ]【★•°o°•★ READY TO PLAY ★•°o°•★ ] - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
NEW $$ Discount !! INDEPENDENT ASIAN Female= Playing by My Own Rules !!! - 38
" " "Occupy Melani " " " " " " " " No Rush ~Ex Stripper Turned Escort ~ """""" Turner!!!! """"" - 23
(Pittsburgh, Mosside Blvd ___ Monroeville____)
MY ×°x°× SERViCE ×°x°× iS ×°x°× SECOND ×°x°× 2 ×°x°× NONE !!!!! - 21
Not gEtTiNg it at HOME? Call ME!! *Available now; up late* - 28
(Pittsburgh, north of pittsburgh off 28)
° *¨¨*[ K ][ i ][ N][ K ][ Y ] ***SEXY** [ N ][ i ] [ K ][ i ][ T ][ a ]*¨¨*° - 36
It's not a Beauty Contest It's a Duty Contest and I 'm a Contender in BOTH - 28
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/ monroeville)
KATIES NUDE BODY RUB Lay Back Relax Enjoy & Let Me Do All The Work With My Soft Hands , Nude Body - 27
♥ I jUsT lOvE bEiNg. A.nAuGhTy GiRl ♥ IRisH bEaUty♥ 120 specials LaSt DaY!! - 21
(incalls.. Pittsburgh area)
I'm up to know Good...😉😃😉😃 let me be your dirty little secret - 19
(Crafton incalls and outcalls, Pittsburgh)
hottie in town !!! don't miss the experience of a life time 👯👯👯👯SPECIALS😘😘 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh I79)
💋❤If You Like👉Real Pictures✔A Natural Soft Body✔PlumpBooty✔🚫 Drama✔Unrushed Service✔ - 22
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Beautiful Girls!!! Ready for you NOW!!! OUTCALL! FAST! DISCREET! Cash/Credit - 21
(Pittsburgh, radius of pgh)
BIG BOOTY BBW W/BIG BOOBS! call me for your ultimate pleasure!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry Incall & Outcall 24 Hours)
AMAZING NEW PICS --- ßLÂCK ==PÂN¡§ ==ßLÂCk ==HL§ ==©ØM § HØW §Øf h¡§ FL§ - 27
(Pittsburgh, Greentree In/ Out LOTSA GR8 REVIEWS)
Best Body Massage with Asian Beauty - 22
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
: . : * . B E A U T Y : * . O F : * . Y O U R : * . D R E A M S : * . : : .:*. - 18
Beautiful exotic Brazilian and Swedish girl avail now ..friendly and discreet ! - 25
(Pittsburgh, pgh and surrounding areas)
*❤* ThE *❤* PerfeCt *❤* DaY *❤* To *❤* Be *❤* BaD *❤* - 25
# All You Have Too Loose,Is A NUT !! (( *Avaliable till Midnight Boys *)) - 22
(Pittsburgh, cranberry (best specials Ever))