Sun 12 Jan
CaRoLiNa'S FiNeSt FiNaLLy HeRe !!! SaFe 5 StAr PeRfOrMeR (TER. #147950) - 24
(Monroeville & Pgh (sixty special))
AM START EARLY morning specials w exotic american beauty Calla 36nat d 4123273353my place or yours? - 24
(Pittsburgh, In or outcalls airport grn tree robinson)
======== Russian Princess ======= come play ======== ===== last day last chance ===== - 21
✋❌ШѦRNⓘNG❗👊NℰШ ℙH◯†✪δ👊❌❌Ѧ ℳUS† ⓢℰℰ❕❌❌😻 💋 ηαυς╠╣†γ 💃 👑 V Ï X Ƹ N 💁 🍭ρε†¡†ε & ©υr√γ💝 - 24
(FOREST HILLS In &Out; 24HR 🏡🚗☎⌚, Pittsburgh)
▬✿⎛ PERFECT ⎛✿▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛SEXY ⎛✿ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ UPSCALE ✿⎛▬▬▬▬BEST ASIAN GIRLS ▬▬▬▬ - 22
(INCALL: 6142141705▬▬▬ ✿STEUBENVILLE PIKE, Pittsburgh)
PIC&Video; just took#ChECK US OUT! (OUTCALLS AVAILABLE NOW) 2 is ALWAYS better then 1! (614)-779-5810 - 21
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh PA AIRPORT & SURROUND AREAS)
Sat 11 Jan
Ts London Visiting for the 1st Time Generous Fellas Inquire Now 2147429981 100% Real - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (Visiting 2morrow 9pm*))
TrY SoMeThInG ExQuIsIt! LeT YoUr ExPiErIeNcE Be ThE OnE To ReMeMbEr!!!! - 27
(Pittsburgh, NeW StAnToN InCaLL/OutCaLL)
ThIs BlOnDe Is A plEaSE NoT A TeAsE! °36d-26-39 YeS iTs TRuE! ° CuRvY BLoNDe °WeLL ReVieWeD ° - 23
(Pittsburgh, Crafton/Greentree Incall/Outcall 24Hr)
彡★•Ofтєи ιммιтαтє∂ Иєνєя DUPLICΔTΣD ∞ Simply the best •★彡( ιи¢αℓℓ & outcคใใ ) - 23
(Pittsburgh, Penn Hills Incalls & Outcalls 24 Hrs)
ALL Of The ABoVE-* ReaL, SeXY, PETiTe, FleXiBle, YUMMY & ReaDY 2 PLeaSE YoU!! NeW TO THE ArEA - 26
(Pittsburgh, ««MoNrOeViLLe ArEa»»24Hr InCaLL OnLy)
_ =BLONDE=_ ( (24 HoUr PartY TiMe ) ) HoW MaNy LiCkS DoEs iT TaKe To GeT tO ThE CenTeR _ =_=_=_ - 21
(Pittsburgh, MoNRoEviLLe ((22)) oFF TuRNPiKE eASy)
*(¯`'.¸* ___(¯`'.¸* Best Rates in Town ... Best Services ... Check Me Out __ *¸.'´¯)___ *¸.'´¯)* - 31
(Monroeville ($pecial$))
#$%%&3Sexy Strawberry Mommi Here To Please&3**#$^$ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Robinson township/surrounding areas)
($80sp) * ( +3 GiRlS+ ) RiCaN BombShElL* SeXy EbOnY ViXeN* SwEeT JaMaIcAn PrInCeSs* - 22
(center city/ delaware ave)
***BEAUTIFUL Cute Fu3 Lovi3g 8xciti3g to your eyes***look at me now look at me n person - 22
(Pittsburgh PA)
[LooK!!!] S-E-X-Y [d] [o] [m] [i] [n] [i] [c] [a] [n] C-H-I-C-K [24 Hrs]!! - 21
ARRIVING only a girl in the world VERÓNICA the Goddess 8"FF NOT HORMONES - 25
(Philadelphia, King of prussia)
Specials w Brazilian goddess 21 or Tall model Devon incall 24 hr 4129794931 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Airport/green tree Pittsburgh areas)
special !!!new girl in town sexy light skin ready to play!!2676489627 - 19
(Philadelphia, Phila airport)
TGIF Spend it w one of us or all 3!! Devon tall thin model or Brooke Brazillian goddess 412 9794867 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Airport greentree)
:*: *STUNNING :*: * :*: *SO SEXY :*: OpEn MiNdEd :*: *NO DISAPPOINTMENTS :*: - 33
(Pittsburgh, North/ IN CALL)
StUnNiNg :*:* BeAuTiFuL :*:* LAST NIGHT:*: PuRe SaTiSfACtIoN :*:* No DrAmA - 22
Sexy Shannon..Here to Please You!!!!!!! Try Me 120 / SPECAILin- outcalls - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Monroeville)
::.☆.:: [ New ] * [ Cuban ] * [ Playmate ] ::.☆.:: [ 1OO% S@TISF@CTION!! ] ::.☆.:: - 20
(Pittsburgh, ✿_CRAFTON-GREENTREE_✿)
*-- gOrGeOus gReEn eYEd GiRl; rEaDy tO gEt hOt aNd bOtHerEd--* SN0WSPECIALS ALL NIGHT__* - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh; incall/outcall)
Cαrεss, Glιdε & Squεεzε Your Wαy ιnto The Hαρριεst Plαcε on Earth... :) - 22
(Pittsburgh, Green Tree,Area)
All about (YOU) unrushed * open minded * fun * play full & MORE... - 24
(Pittsburgh, Delmont/Ur place)