Fri 03 Jan
Feaky -:¦:- Sexy-:¦:- Ebony Doll (¯`¸SPECIALS AVAIL ABLE? - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh south side area)
GIEZELL 10 INCH Latino stick____IN TOWN SATURDAY /SUN come see this__ sPECIALS - 22
(Pittsburgh, greentree/AIRPORT)
WOW!!! Cali's Finest Here This afternoon Call NOW!!! Game Specials !! Exotic Thai Asian Mix Doll - 22
(pittsburgh steeler girl!!)
Wanna taste my 🍭? [5🌟] F R E A K 💦24/7 I AiM 2 Pl∈AS∈! »-luv 2 B NAUGHTY!★ - 24
(Pittsburgh, by century III leaving soon)
Upscale Starlettes Available All Night Outcall Until 5 am. Cancel all other plans for tonight!~ - 22
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S* E* X* Y *~ *~ *~ H*O*T ~* ~* ~* E * X * O * T * I * C *~ *~ *~ B*E*A*U*T*Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 19
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
**Last Night**╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) Exotic Bombshell ♥ International Companion - 26
(((Downtown Pittsburgh)) UPSCALE INCALL, Pittsburgh)
Kissing + Cuddling + Teasing + Pleasing + Flat Rate + Unrushed = Lynn - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place:))
💋KRYSTAL RAYNE 💋☎_ BLONDE MIXED BARBIE LIMiTeD EDitioN ☎☏••L (o)(o) K 💋💋 Available NOW💋 - 23 - 23
(Mckeesport,surrounding in& out 24HR 🏡🚗, Pittsburgh)
Thu 02 Jan
Spring is here and this RED HEAD is ready to Spring into action..... (in or out) 412-628-7424 - 31
◆█◆█★♡♡▄❤ (( HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) CAN$100 Specials - 26
(Pittsburgh, Off 376 west)
Fun-Size(4'9) Petite Beautiful Brunette Babe Ready To Play (Incall & Outcall) - 22
(Pittsburgh, plum and monroeville surrounding areas)