Sun 12 Jan
*~*§weet young petite beauty Come see me and it will feel like your in heaven*~* - 22
(Pittsburgh, Plum and monroeville surrounding areas)
ღ 💖 WELL REVIEWED ღ 💖 ღ Come On Over, Let's Hang Out 💖 ღ Blue Eyed SPECIALS - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh INcall)
YoU gOtTa TrY Me! ✖- ╳ -✖- 💜💕💜 S w E e T & J u i C y 💕 P e T i T e 💕 P l A y M a T e 💜💕💜 - 22
(Pittsburgh, MONROEVILLE incall outcall)
💖💕UPSCALE INCALL💕 💖Forget the rest, come get the best!💖💕 💋SeDuCTiVeLY SWeEt💕 - 24
(¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯) UPSCALE ¸★¸* * Sweet, beautiful, and full of FUN !!! (¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯) Alicia - 22
(Green Tree Incall, Pittsburgh)
Welcoming all feishes.. hungry why wait, call carmela banks - 25
(Pittsburgh, irwin/greensburg/north versallies)
Wild Wednesday incall/outcall specials w the exotic italian Calla duos avail in/outcall 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, nhills oakland airport and grntree)
Wish On This Little Starr To Make All Your Wishes Come True Now - 21
(Pittsburgh, greentree/Pittsburgh)
WhY NoT GiVe YoUrSeLf A ChRiStMaS GiFt ThAt CaN KeEp On GiViNg... - 27
(Pittsburgh, NeW StAnToN InCaLl/outcalls)
Very Open Minded ‼️‼️ Peaser‼️Lover🍒 Kisser ‼️Cuddlier‼️NoTexting please - 20
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry pa 5StarHotel incall&outcalls;)
(( VISITING NOW )) ♥ ♥ Im BACK! GREAT OVERALL ♥ ♥ Pretty City Sweetheart♥ ♥ Dont MISS OUT!! - 22
We are back working together and NEW Pics. 2 Girl SPECIAL - 26
(Pittsburgh, Greensburgh incall or outcall)
???? Why Question ??? Black & asian Beauty Here Just 2 Satisfsy YOU!! Specials - 23
░•❤•░ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✿ UPSCALE COMPANION ✿▬▬▬▬▬▬▬✿✿✿ VERY SEXY ✿VERY CUTE ░•❤•░ - 24
(INCALLS NOW !, Pittsburgh)
*¨¨*:: __*ViSiTiNG* ____ ×°°× _ PURE : ♥ : SWTNSS _×°°× ____ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __::*¨¨* - 23
✰ VISITING!!! ✰ № ➊ ReQUESTED ✰ ExoTic ✰ Bombshell ✰ ALL NATURAL ✰ Last Day ✰ BOOK NOW - 26
(((Downtown Pittsburgh)) UPSCALE INCALL, Pittsburgh)
UnIQuE /// AzZzZ GaLoRe /// 8O SpEcIaL /// CaN U HaNdLe My TaILfEaThEr? - 23
UnIqUe ((DoEz It BeTTeR )) RoBiNsOn ToWnShIp. NeW HoTTiE ((CrAzY SpEcIaLs)) - 23
*-:¦:-* ❤ *VoTd* -:¦:- *SxYSt* -:¦:- *BoDy* ❤ *-:¦:-* 2011 $100 SpcI@L - 21
(Pittsburgh, incall)
True Satisfaction Is Only Accessible In My Presence. Let Me Show You!!! Incall or Outcall - 25
(Cranberry PA 228, Pittsburgh)
~ *SwEet* ~~ *SeXy* ~~*SaSsY* ~~*N*~~ *ClAsSy*~~ INCALL)OUTCALL ! - 26
(eastside pitts-monroeville, Pittsburgh)
-:¦:- LAST -:¦:- DAY -:¦:- Stunning -:¦:- Elite -:¦:- Brunette -:¦:- Bombshell -:¦:- SPECIALS - 30
(-:¦:- Airport Incall -:¦:- Outcall)
DONT CHEAT YOURSELF AGAIN SPEND Some time with* JULIA**120 Special**100% All Real Photos!! - 27
(Pittsburgh, Private Incall Beaver Counttiy)
•*¨¨*•-:¦:* ELITE •-:¦:-•* InToXiCaTiNg *•-:¦:-•*Soft *•-:¦:-•*Looking to PLEASE•*¨¨*• - - 26
(Pittsburgh, north pittsburgh/butler)
Erotic ✨KissMyBody ✨Discreet✨ UnRushed ✨MindB1owing ✨ - 22
(Pittsburgh, Incall & Outcall Pittsburgh)
✨💖✨Come Play With Jayden. I'm Ready To Get Wild With You!✨💖✨ - 23
(Cranberry Incall Only, Pittsburgh)
(¯`'.¸ ; ¸.'´¯) $$$$ EXoTiC DoMiNicAn! $$$$ ~ The PeRfeCt PLaYmAte! ~ (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 24
Discreet, Seductive, Moaner, Mature, Busty, All Legs... Incall.... Outcall Available - 25
(Greentree / Downtown / Airport, Pittsburgh)
c@LL N(o)w!! ► new FETISH friendly BRUNETTE babe ◄ c@LL N(o)w!! - 22
(Pittsburgh, .◆. CRANBERRY .◆.)
BUSTY ☆* FiVe St★R * BruNEttE BaRbiE * SeXxiE HoTT * DOll facEd CuTiE ☆ AvAiLabLe NoW SpeCiaLs - 26
(Pittsburgh, swissvale incalls)
▓► D_R_E_A_M_ *ღ* GIRL ◄▓ Seminole African Princess~* Put a spell on u - 18
Brrrrrrrrr!! Warm Me Up Baby!! Beaver County Incall! LOW RATES! - 36
♥ Boys Play With Toys Real Men Play With Me ♥ (724)880-6660 (incall Only) 60/120/240 Sp - 23
(Pittsburgh, Crafton/Greentree)
call for specials ***HaYliE'S -Lovely- LaDIeS***HOT -n- READY to MASSAGE - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/crafton)
(786453-6624 INCALL chinas plane got delayed! 130ss Special LAST DAY - 22
(airport pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
¡60hhr [No RUSH] *€XotiC ReDBoNe | Mor€ @$$ 2€Xplor | PuRe F@nt@$y [100% Real Pics] - 20
(Pittsburgh, incall pittsburgh, Monroeville)
SkY SkY SkY SkY SkY SkY SkY SkY SkY SkY ((( ToP ChOiCe NeWbIe ))) LoOk !! - 19
************* Sexy Hot Curves, Will Leave You Completely Satisfied- SPECIALS ALL NIGHT ************* - 24
{{{{ RIGHT NOW }}}} ____ BLONDE HOTTIE! _____ {{{150% ME! }}} __ - 24
(*-* PittsBurG AiRpoRt ArEa *-*)
★ ★ S E X Y ★ ★ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Incall Monroeville)
♥S e x y ♥Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 21
(Pittsburgh, route28 north)
***(OoOh)______ (YeSSSs ssSss sSS)J_U_S_T= __ _ =W_H_A_T= __ _ =Y_O_U= __ _=W_A_N_T= last day - 23
(monroeville INCALL only)
( ► OPEN ► ) °°xXx°° Me Up *&* I Will Make U °°xXx°° ( C☻ME ; ) im back boys - 23
(monroeville incalls only)
▬✿⎛ PERFECT ⎛✿▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛SEXY ⎛✿ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✿⎛ UPSCALE ✿⎛▬▬▬▬BEST ASIAN GIRLS ▬▬▬▬ - 22
(INCALL: 6142141705▬▬▬ ✿STEUBENVILLE PIKE, Pittsburgh)
Playful Brunette... Incall/Outcall No rush/Drama! : ) Available All Week! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh~Greensburg)
Party this Mon night w the exotic gorgeous duo or one of us My place or yours? xoxoCalla 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, incall/outcall airport s. hills greentre)
🌹🌺🌹 Raena 🌹🌺🌹 Adorable College Sweetheart 💕💕 3306070849 💋💋💋Addictive Beauty💋💋💋 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Incall Downtown out anywhere💋💕💋)