Sat 11 Jan
NEW IN TOWN《♥》Stunning ◆ ☆ ◆Blonde ◆ ☆ ◆ Pin-up◆ ☆ ◆《♥》100% REAL HOT!! - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
n*a*u*g*h*t*y never looked this n*i*c*e
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
◆ N A U G H T Y Nikki has hit town! What Are U Waiting For Guys! I am Ready R U? ◆ - 23
(My place or Yours)
NEW ASIAN gIrLs💋CLaSSY 💋HOT💋UPSCALE 💋▬▬🌺▬▬▬ 🎉UNIQUE & EXOTIC🎉▬▬▬▬▬❤Real❤🌺▬▬▬▬ Curvy Body🌺❤ - 22
(PA Mars Incall Only, Pittsburgh)
( N ) ( E ) ( W ) V!S!t!Ng F0r Sh0Rt T!Me :: L0W SPEC!@LS - Exx0T!c BlondE - 19
MARIA! Petite, Busty, and very fit! available now! cash/credit - 23
(Pittsburgh, 1 hour radius of pittsburgh)
♡☆Need Some TLC?!? Try me!!!☆→♡Cami's♡ Amazing,☆EROTIC☆, full body ◇○MASSAGE!! ☆♡ ☆ - 30
(Pittsburgh, South Hills Area)
Mature Tan Redhead "100% REAL WOMAN" Gents 40yrs.old an Up ONLY "NO Quick Visits" - 57
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville/Mosside Area/Near Turnpike)
👋🏾Hey y'all 😘Visiting PITTSBURGH 's Century3 Area💦 Discreet 🔥 college Girl❗️ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Rt/51 Century 3 (Nice Location))
☎ HOT bUsTy SEXY & READY... MorNinG SpEciALS ! _______ ASIAN BOmBsHELL ☎ - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
██ ♥ █ ♥ █ ♥ █ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ██ ____G E N T L E M E N S _❶_ C H O I C E ____ ██ ▒▒▒▒▒▒█ ♥ █ ♥ █ ♥ █ ♥ █ - 20
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Incalls __________________)
Hey Guys!💗 GIA is Here👄, Ready and Waiting to Fulfill Each and Every Fantasy! Call me NOW!💗💖💞 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh INCALL OUTCALL)
Hello Pittsburgh, I'm BACK... Call me now and see me tonight! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh and surrounding)
Fun-Size Petite Beautiful Brunette Babe Ready To Play (Cranberry) INCALL&OUTCALL; - 22
(Cranberry, Ross Twpand surrounding areas, Pittsburgh)
💦💥Georgia 🍑 w/BEAUTIFUL long legs.... Feeling NAUGHTY‼‼ 💦💧💣 - 23
(Germantown / Chesnut Hill, Norristown, King of Prussia, Pottstown, Philadelphia)
HOT EBoNY PLaYMaTe ( ★ ) —F —I—V—E—-—S —T — A — R — ( ★ ) __purE plEAsUrE - 21
❤️ Heidi! Petite and busty ready now! Cash/credit❤️ - 18
(Downtown, airport, greentree, cranberry, Pittsburgh)
Cranberry ____ Sq💦 Lovers Love Angela____I ❤ flaunting my pretty 🐺 kat - 23
(Cranberry hosting -Outcalls to youe, Pittsburgh)
✨💖✨Come See What You've Been Missing! Hot Tight Young Blonde Eager To Please!✨💖✨ - 23
(Cranberry Incall Only, Pittsburgh)
BaCk By PoPuLaR dEmAnD ** HeRe FoR 2 DaYs OnLy ** ReAdY fOr a FuN TiMe * AsK AbOuT mY SPECIAL ** - 22
☆Are you ready for the experience of a lifetime? ☆Seductive Isabella☆Sunday incall specials!! - 23
AVENTURA AMY just arrived in Pittsburgh for 1 DAY from MIAMI *Highly Reviewed* 100% real photos - 22
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Pitt INCALL ONLY)
( ( A+ ) ) _ iNTOXiCATiNG __ ♥ __ ** BiG bOOTy ** __ ♥ __ FR3@K__ ( ( 10O% SEXY ) ) - 21
(Pittsburgh, crafton)
-:¦:- 5 Star -:¦:- Knockout -:¦:-Beauty -:¦:- Must See 85 SPECIALS - 18
$60 SpEcIaLs ☆ LaSt NiGhT ☆ $60 SpEcIaLs ☆ A+ qUaLiTy SeRvIcE!! - 22
@%@ 80 SPecials BEAutiful mixed DD diva 80 SPECIALS @%@%@ (412-918~0139) - 21
(Pittsburgh, greentree /incalls only)
•*¨¨*•-:¦: ALLoW mE 2 sHoW U tHe TrUe MeAnInG oF "UNDIVIDED ATTENTION" :¦:-•*¨¨*• - 21 - 21
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh outcalls)
(¯`'.¸ ; ¸.'´¯) *❤* YouR BesT KePt DiRty LiTTle SeCRet!! *❤* (¯`'.¸ ¸.'´¯) - 24
Adult Playmate/Gents 40yrs.old an Up ONLY/NO THUGS/No TEXT/No Exceptions - 58
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Meadows "Casino" I-79 Exit 41)
Afternoon sunday funday w the exotic all all american beauty calla 36d 4124172668 myplace or yours?? - 24
(Pittsburgh, In or outcalls nhills, 28 n,Pgh,grn tree)
24/7 Are you looking for that fantasy girl??? Busty thick Puerto Rica bbw**. I loove to Please!!!!! - 21
(Pittsburgh, incall century 3)
18 Year Old Blonde College Student, Non Pro Trying to Make Some Money Fast, Very Sweet - 18
(A1) ~xotic~ Sweet Treat 'BUNII' *×+ CARIBBEan princess +×* the DARKSKINBEAUTII ...!! - 19
♥Uℓtiℳαtε Cutie JENNIFER♥ Ero's Certified ♥100% Real With new Pictures - 26
(Anywhere you are, Pittsburgh)