Fri 10 Jan
★ ★ ★ ★ S@SH@100$ SP3CIAL ITS ME 0R ITS FRE3 ★ ★ ★ ★ - 21
(Pittsburgh, off 2nd ave min from downtown)
~~~THE SEXY AND INTRIGUING TS Sky~ Pittsburgh's Sexiest Hometown TS! In The Mood 2 Play No Rush:) - 23
(Pittsburgh, Highland Park/East Liberty In&Outcall;)
VERY HOT LATINA new in townn *********** TS VERONICA ************** - 24
(Pittsburgh, south oakland)
WoW!!☆* FiVe St★R * ChOcoLaTe 🍫🍭BaRbiE * SeXy HoTT * Carribean CuTiE ☆ AvAiLabLe NoW !! 9inFF 💦😘 - 21
(Altoona, Pittsburgh, Oakland/ Upscale Loc)
THURSDAY & FRIDAY SPECIALS ___ $$100$$ ___ Highly Reviewed!!! _____ UNMATCHED SKILLS!!! - 25
Thirsty thursday SPECIAL today *only* NO Other day.. SPECIAL - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place:))
Urgent her name is heaven and my name is bill went to hotel and she rob me I found needles for drug - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville hotel)
NEW °= S_E_X_Y == °❤° == **DESIRABLE** == °❤° == T_R_E_A_T = KiLLER BoDY - 26
I want to touch the heart of the world & make it smile (New Pics) - 36
(North (In Call Only), Pittsburgh)
Be Captivated With The Company of an Elegant Woman (new pics, taken yesterday) - 36
(North of the City, Pittsburgh)
B=A=R=B=A=D=O=S __--*--__ B=E=A=U=T=Y __--*-- __ Specials ALL NITE !!!!! - 22
(Monroeville/ incall only)
: . : * . B E A U T Y : * . O F : * . Y O U R : * . D R E A M S : * . : : .:*. - 18
W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G!!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E - 23
The Most requested Adult Superstar Has arrived Ts Kennedy Logan KinkyKennedyxxx Website & Real Pics - 23
🍭🌟🍭 LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ D▄I▀S▄ C▀R▄E ▀E▄▀T▄-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST🍭🌟🍭 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Bloomfield)
"Stunning Savannah" Call me at 724-263-2861 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh washington surrounding areas)
💦💦Slide in without falling ⭕️ in 😳 experience the grip✊🏾🐯that will earn your memory🍫🐰🏆 - 24
(Pittsburgh, 📍Outcall only)
❤ [NEW 】 ✓【BUSTY】 ✓ 【 Spanish & Native American】 ✓ 【100% REAL PICS】 ✓ 【Available NOW】❤ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Airport INCALL Only)
{{ MoNrOeViLLe LoOk }} OnE BaDD BuNNy. {{ SkY's In ToWn NoW }} - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville LOOK [Im aVaILaBLe] cLiCk Me)
❤ [NEW 】 ✓【BUSTY】 ✓ 【 Spanish & Native American】 ✓ 【100% REAL PICS】 LAST Day✓ 【Available NOW】❤ - 22
(Pittsburgh, in/out Airport)
♡♡♡ NEW ♡♡ Pics Just Taken ♡♡♡ Small BBW ♡♡--> DD's WOW
(Pittsburgh, SORRY U MISSED ME be back soon)
((New GiRL)) (¯`'.¸° WOW=|| A MUST SEE ||= CLICK HERE °° .¸°¯`) ((bEsT g*F*e)) - 22
((( MIXD B@RBI !!)) Sm@LL W@iST !! BuBBL BoOtY !! Com C@RSS MY Body - 22
(Pittsburgh, robinson incall and outcall)
GuEsS WhO's Up LaTe ? 1OO SpEcIaL In MoNrOeViLLe (( Its me or its free! )) - 19
38F's Busty...Superb Skills... Visiting From ???...What More Could You Want? - 25
(Monroeville/Surr Areas)
90$ late night specials! 6ft long legged Chocolate beauty!!!! pics are 100% me or free! - 23
1OO Specials 🎀BUSTY ITALIAN BABE 🎀 Limited Time Only 🎀 - 24
(Pittsburgh, 📍Green Tree - Mt.Lebannon Upscale Incall)
2GiRLSPECIAL❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❤❤ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ Available now!! PICK 1 OR BOTH 2GETHER ❤ - 25
❤️2 playmates 200! Ready to party! Cash/credit❤️ - 18
(Pittsburgh, Washington,,Cranberry,Monroeville,)
👠👠 Just made a fr3sh pot come get it while it's 👠👠. Real HOTTT !!! ( IN CALLS )☎️ - 28
(Pittsburgh, Crafton)
** Highly skilled professional escort** available 7 days a week** - 26
(Pittsburgh, incall * 7 days *1 hr. notice *)
★ ViSiTiNG - - - - [[ BEAUTiFUL RUSSiAN MiX HOTTiE ]] - - - - ViSiTiNG ★ - 19
(Pittsburgh, ** [ MONROEVILLE ] **)
Very classy ebony 38DD au natural NEW PIX ~~ JUICY DD's~~ TOTAL sweetheart ~~ - 21
(PGH incall 24/7CALL 325---338---2690----)
TRANSEXUAL * Sexy Black Goddess **10 THICK LONG ** Sexy Black Goddess * TRANSEXUAL * - 21
come and feel this bubble its as soft as cotton u got to feel it to belive it *&*&*& - 22