Fri 10 Jan
**I'll Keep you* My Dirty Little Secret*Last day here specials 100 roses 30 min - 36
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Greentree area)
~*~You Haven't Experienced Pure Pleasure & Enjoyment Until You've Met Me~*~ - 50
(Harrisburg, Harrisburg,Union Deposit)
° °•★ Warm up with This Snow Bunny --all Natural 36D.... Available Now° °•★•° -- 412❤973❤2791 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Washington/Pittsburgh Outcall Only)
Don't let the ICE STOP your Fantasy.I MELT in your Mouth and Rain Chocolate n ur Hands 24_7 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
((Blonde)) °o©°* ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °?©° ((=ADDiCTiVE=)) - - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA)
(¯`•♥•´¯) A_M_A_Z_I_N_G •♥• P_E_T_I_T_E •♥• B_R_U_N_E_T_T_E (¯`•♥•´¯) 1OOO% REAL - 19
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE 24/7 INCALL)
Red-bone out of this world gorgeous....New in town someone come welcome.. - 19
(oakland in n outcalls)
Thu 09 Jan
N U R U * B O D Y * S L I D E with Kennedy Visiting (( Feb 23rd)) for 1 NIGHT ONLY! - 27
(Pittsburgh, D O W N T O W N)
J_U_S_T= ___ __ =W_H_A_T= ___ __ =Y_O_U= ___ __ =W_A_N_T= ____ ★ - 19
(Pittsburgh, monroville incall and outcall)
The one and only Exotic Busty Hot Gurl KEEYANA.... 801-308-8353 - 22
***** Beware of the Travelers! Locals are more trustworthy! Beautiful WHITE LOCAL TS *****
Smokin' Hot [✔] $100 [✔] Naughty [✔] AVAILABLE NOW [✔]$100 - 18
(Airport Incall Outcalls Everywhere)
NEW! ♥ All Bottom TRANSSEXUAL Girl ♥ Excellent Skills! ♥ Incall ♥ CLASSY & DISCREET - 31
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville. May 31)
NEW # ! ♛ U.P.SC.A.LE ♛ C.L.A.S.S.Y ♛ EXOTIC ♛ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E ♛ - 22
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh and surrounding areas)
***Have your Valentine's Day early with a beautiful and FUN lady!! *** - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
HERE BABES🌸🌸🌸SEXY HAWAIIN playmate is here! NEW NEW NEW girl to area! One of a kind 😍🌸🌸 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry/ upscale location)
B E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A U T I F U L - B R O O K L Y N - G A B R I E L L A - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh friday & Saturday ONLY)
🍒🍒 Sometimes You Want Pie 🍒🍒 Sometimes You Want A Popsicle 🍓🍓TS IMANI - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh [Central])
Come And Get What You've Been Waiting For! Exciting, Inviting + Unique and Discreet - 26
(E. of Pgh-Hotel room)
♥* BRuNeTTe BoMBsHeLL *♥* HiGhLy SKiLLeD & ADDiCTiVe *♥* 1OO% REAL *♥ AVaiLaBLe 24/7 - 19
(Pittsburgh, GREENTREE 24/7 INCALL)
Amazingly Beautiful Egyptian Barbie at your service! Leaving in a couple hours! 50. specials. - 25
(gReen Tree)
Wed 08 Jan
█ the body youve only DREAMED right here! w/ naughty intentions ;) █ SPECIALS! - 21
(Green Tree Area)
New in Town...Sexy an Talented...Blonde Milf... INCALL 100hh 150hr - - 38
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton off I 70)
... Now visiting ... Noted Adult film star ..... Kayla BIGGS ...... - 22
Super Monday.. Let me make ur Monday the best Day EVER :) - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Irwin/Delmont/Ur Place:))
>>>> Look No Further >>>Your Seach Ends Here >>> We Are THE "A List GIRLZ" of PGH
OUTSTANDING REVIEWS 👍 PROOF VIDEO 🌷 100% REAL🌷Gorgeous sexy petite exotic Asian baby doll 💋 - 23
(Pittsburgh, Shadyside, Pittsburgh Downtown)
Busty Latina Is For All My Kings** La La**( incalls only) SPECIALS all day!!!! $80 - 29
(Pittsburgh, greensburg/ I~76 PA exit 75 Rt.30)
👊BuiLT👊★➋🌟 PLeaSE ❌⭕ WiTH◯UT ★A🌟 D◯UBT ❌⭕👊 W!TH $KILLS LÏK£ P❍W!! 👊🌟 B£ST IN T◯WN - 25
(Pittsburgh, Eastside /Monroeville / Penn Hills)
★BBW ☆ ★ LaST CHANCE ◄•• ★ TrEat ☆ YouRSelF - 29
(Pittsburgh, New StAnToN (( LaTe NighT SpeCials )))
Tue 07 Jan
~Your passionate Bi-racial Princess~~TS Amber Biggs Has Arrived. . .Here NOW!!!!! - 22
❤🙌🏾⇗🚺🚩 ThE PERFECT GIRL ✔ⓧ ⓨ💋🚺 F®∈AⓚY 🎀ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 💋🚺 ADDiCTiVE 💋$💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G🚺Chocolate 🍫 - 23
(Penn Hills & OUTCALLS ❤️✌🏾️, Pittsburgh)