Thu 09 Jan
Thurs night avail now classy discreet outcall appt w the brunette bombshell all nat36c 412 932 3372 - 25
(Pittsburgh, robinson/greentree/airport area outcall)
Craigslist Adult Services closed Permanantly. Post your ads on
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Best in the Burgh New to Town Specials all night 75 125 h - 25
(Pittsburgh, Harmarville off turnpike)
Wed 08 Jan
Your Body's Telling Me What You Want....and thats ME ! - 21
I'm Amber. Sweet, sincere, passionate, and just what you're looking for. Call me! - 29
Strawberry blonde french pleasure here to please$#@^! - 24
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Township/ surrounding areas)
__OUTCALL ____DanGeRouSLY SeXY __SeNSuaL___ SeDuCTiVe __ SuPeR HoT 36DDD BRuNeTTe - 31
(OUTCALL, Pittsburgh)
°o;o° _S I M P L Y_ °o;o° _T H E _ °o;o° _B E S T_ °o;o° ( Available NOW! ) °o;o - 30
(GreenTree (Available Now))
☎ o°•❤° ★ UpScALE * B R U N E T T E * * * * H O T T I E★ Available NoW ❤•°o ☎ - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding area)
NeW ♡♥♡ SuPer HoT Beauty ♡♥♡ LooKinG FoR ExcitEmenT ♡♥♡ AvaiLabLe 24/7 ♡♥ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding)
*;*If YoU kNeW BetTa u'D Do BeTtA!! ;~* BreAth Takin EboNy HeRe!!!*;* - 25
(Pittsburgh, Mosside blvd.)
>_*_< HuRrY CheCK me OUt _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ I neEd SOme COmpaNy!!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ Is It YOU !!! - 25
🎀Allow me to put you to 💦🍑sleep😴 tonight🌌 and start your 👔💼week right💎 - 24
(Outcalls only 📍, Pittsburgh)
__ & KiNDa iNNoCEnT ! ------>B E A U T I F U L INSIDE &OUT;!------> SEXy ..NaUGHTy & WiLLiNG - 23
♥ Be AuTiFuL ♥ ExOtic PLaY m aTe ♥ - 19
(¯`•★•´¯) I Can Admit Im Real Can The Rest !! (¯`.•★•.´¯) (( ♥♥LasT NiGhT NOW♥♥)) - 23
(Pittsburgh, Incall Hotel Call Right Away incall ONlY)
~Ashley Vixon~* -*~ 412~886-4054* .weekend special call for details - 23
(Pittsburgh, 10 mins from downtown (incall & outcall))
^^^Statuesque Black BIG BOOTY Barbie ^^^ 24/7 Great N@ughty personality lets PLAY - 23
M/T spcl Toni B Escort Can incl massage/glide toys fetish easy verify REAL review sensual kinkyGNTRE - 40
(Greentree., Pittsburgh)
(( H O T )) ♥ ( €xOT¡C •Ebony* V¡X€n ) ♥ InCall SPECIALs ♥ ( SuP€r • S€xY ) Up All Night 4 U*** - 23
(Pittsburgh, harmerville incall)
Highly reviewed hot busty blonde visiting 10/15-10/28! Check out my DD's! Specials! - 26
2 for 1 ... TWO girls ON YOU and we use TOYS - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.)
💋Haley! Young, petite, busty.. Ready to meet you! Cash/credit💋 - 21
(Pittsburgh, Washington, cranberry, airport)
👛💍Upper Class Daddy's girl Begging for a SPANKiNG😻! 100% Real and Better than her Best! - 24
(mine or yours South Hills/Bethel Park, Pittsburgh)
WAITING for You! READY to Explore Your Desires.. - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
❤️💋💞Tina is ready! Sweet & Petite!!❤️💋💞100% real and recent pics! cash/credit - 21
(Downtown, washington, cranberry, airport, Pittsburgh)
ViP SeRvICe •★• GoRgEoUs ßLOnDE ßaRbiE ★cLaSSy PrOviDeR •★• №➊ ReQUESTED ✰ PLaYMATE - 24
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incall SUNDAY GREAT SPECIALS)
CALL ME!! ~*((((SEXY!! )))))~* ~ *__O__U__T__ C__A__ L__L__S _ ~** READY__2__P L A Y!! - 18
(Pittsburgh, ~*OUT*~)
Tue 07 Jan