Fri 10 Jan
Not gEtTiNg it at HOME? Call ME!! *Available now; up late* - 28
(Pittsburgh, north of pittsburgh off 28)
On Fire🔥🔥Pittsburghs hottest♨ ♨Redhead! I am everything you need and more! Outcall only - 27
🔹🔹🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🔹🔹KOREAN KOREAN💕💕💕아름다움💕💕💕 한국 학생💕💕💕1st DAY🔹🔹🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🍥🌀🔹🔹 - 21
(Pittsburgh, 💖💛💖Monroeville💖PITTSBURGH💖💛💖)
ITALIAN Vixen ;°o° EVERY°o° MAN'S °o° FANTASY ° An AbSoLuTe MuSt HaVe!!! - 21
(monroeville incall)
I'm here 4 *YOU* ; Fun Relaxing & Open Minded & plenty MORE !!! - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place:)
I AM °YouR* (..1st..) °* CLaSS *° °* TiCKET *° (.to.) °* *° °* SATiSFACTiON - - 19
(Pittsburgh, Incalls Only)
»*° ( I. HaVe. S _ K_ !_ L _ L _S. BaBy! ) *° ( ILL KEEp YoU CoMiNg BaCk 4 MoRe! ) » - 23
(Pittsburgh, pgh in/out)
Hot Sexy Blonde With 40DDs Pregnant * And Glowing Special 330 - 604- 5799 - 23
(Pittsburgh/Green Tree)
Its cold outside so come on in and warm up with my special - 32
(Pittsburgh, Greensburgh incall or outcall)
I'm every Boys Fantasy🌸But I'm a Husbands 🌸Best kept Secret!!I'm Gone Boys - 36
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Area I have Left boys)
Im a very freaky girl dont bring me to moma just turn this ass around in the back seat of the hummer - 24
♥ I jUsT lOvE bEiNg. A.nAuGhTy GiRl ♥ IRisH bEaUty♥ 120 specials LaSt DaY!! - 21
(incalls.. Pittsburgh area)
😜😜 😜😜 😜 I LoVe WhAt I dO aNd U wiLL tOo 😜😜😜😜😜 - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. and surroundin Leaving. SOON)
I'll Have You Hooked Quick!!!!! Got that Young Good Tight Co@chie***** - 18
(Monroeville in n outcalls)
I * aM tHe GiRl *aLL GuYs* WaNt AnD I * Got -* ExXxactly * What* You*NeEd - 25
************ HOT NEW SUPERSTAR, BRAND NEW- Available WEDNESDAY! *********** - 24
💋❤If You Like👉Real Pictures✔A Natural Soft Body✔PlumpBooty✔🚫 Drama✔Unrushed Service✔ - 22
⎝💳 💳📞 📞💳 💳⎠▃▃ GRAND OPENING ▃▃▃💯%PRETTY▃▃▃▃▃▃💯% YOUNG & SEXY ▃▃▃▃▃▃ NEW ASIAN GIRLS ▃▃▃▃ - 22
(Allentown, Altoona, Bath Nazareth Hwy, Nazareth/610-759-5355, Lancaster, Penn State)
I am a College Girl with Erotic Desires... - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, In town, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Hello Gentlemen... Are YOU ready for YOUR 1 on 1 Lesson with YOUR Private Dancer??? Sage - 34
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,Pa.)
~~Bi Slender Red Hair Hottie In Pittsburgh Area Sunday! 11/25/12 Until 9PM!~~Call 716-548-9482 Baby! - 20
(Pittsburgh, South West Burgs)
BIG BOOTY BBW W/BIG BOOBS! call me for your ultimate pleasure!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry Incall & Outcall 24 Hours)
Available NOW! The One and Only **JULIA** Specials 100 so hot** PURE - 27
(Pittsburgh, Beaver County)
amazing skills *:* one of a kind beauty
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, In your arms ;))
AWESOME EXPERIENCE - ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ —————▐ ►* GIRL NEXT DOOR—————▐ ► ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA)
Back in the REAL burgh and Waiting To Give You A Much Needed Holiday Preseent - 25
(Ten Min Drive fr. Cty of Pgh)
AMAZING curvaceous. .THIcK SwEeT N SExY CuRvacoUS BLoNDE !!ChECk THiS OUT!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, southside (pinetree gardens))
🇵🇭Asian Bad Girl 🇺🇸👠 Fetish Friendly 💎 Delia London 💎VERIFIED & REVIEWED ❖ - 24
(greentree in outcalls everywhere, Pittsburgh)
Beautiful Upscale blonde In Town For A Short Time Call Now - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (Steubenville pk))