Sun 05 Jan
S_ _X _ Y _ _ _PeTiTe! _ ( ( ( * GFE * ) ) ) __P_ l _ A_ y _ M _a _ T_e! ! _ _ Don't Miss Out! - 18
Last day SPECIAL😻😻🎀100%REAL DEAL!👅 Skilled & Well Reviewed 😉🍭💋 T€R iD: 221420 Cali's fav ASIAN MIX 🎀 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry INCALL ONLY)
( ( Click Me Now ) ) African American Cracker Lover ( ( Click Me Now ) ) $ - 100
(Rhawn/Torresdale/ Northeast / 95,1,73.)
Cali is looking to be spoiled... - 22
(Allentown, Altoona, Center City, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, OutCall, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Sat 04 Jan
Fun-Size Petite Beautiful Brunette Babe Ready To Play (Monroeville)INCALL & OUTCALL - 22
(Monroeville and surrounding areas, Pittsburgh)
█ YoUr BeSt KePt SeCrEt!! █ Start your day off right!! █ CURVY Latina Mix in/out - 21
(green tree area LEAVING TMRW *100spec.*)
COME explore the hidden treasures of the far east with INDIA and CHINA LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN - 21
*** It'S A Gu@r@nTeE Th@t It'S 100% Me *** E@rLy MoRniNg SpEci@Ls U C@n'T ReSiSt *** $80 - 18
(Pittsburgh, MONROEVILLE)
I'm here !! Do u feel Unwanted?? I will make u feel WANTED when I'm done.. !! Well reviewd... - 24
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/Ur Place:))
*cassie*sexy, new,fun loving party girl!very open minded/girlfriend friendly - 24
(Outcall all over pa.. incall monroeville, Pittsburgh)
-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- T H I S - 24
!!!CAUTION!!!! [★] ExTreMeLy HoT [★] !-{ HiGhLy aDDiCTiVe } { BrUneTTe BomBsHeLL} } - 27
Fri 03 Jan
small waist★GIGANTIC CANTELOPE BOOBs★ Stand Out Booty ★(Sexy & HOT) ★(38'D) ★5Star Sexy PLAYMATE" ★ - 21
(Pittsburgh, In calls an OUTCALLS new pics)
European Beauty AKA SexySeaBeauty - 36
(Allentown, Altoona, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lancaster Pa, Pittsburgh, Reading, York)
x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 36e Busty Female Available for Massage x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x 0 x0 - 31
(Pittsburgh, outcall only)
Italian princess!!! Outcalls Up all night💋 best in the burgh - 23
(Pittsburgh, Outcalls only Pittsburgh)
CaRoLiNa'S 38ddd'S / VaLiDaTeD & SaFe 5 StAr PrOviDeR w/ GrEaT ReViEwS * S E C R E T * (TER#147950) - 24
(Cranberry & McCantless (80 $pecial))
Mid day (sShower Massage) Nude Body Massage 412 871 3959 1 on 1 encounter - 22
(Pittsburgh, Shadyside Point Breeze area)
Carmen is coming to Pittsburgh 9/24-Don't miss the sexiest ride of your life!!! - 29
(Pittsburgh, PIttsburg-downtown area)
Thu 02 Jan
◄ E_X_O_ T_I_C * L a t i n a * D_R_E_A_M _G_i_R_L ► AVAiLABLE N0W! - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Incall)