Wed 08 Jan
Beauty ~ Class ~ Sensual Sophistication ~ For Gentlemen of Taste & Distinction! Your Private Dancer - 33
(Greenfield, Pittsburgh)
**䙔 **䙔 ~ASIAN * MIX * CARAMEL COMPLECTED~ 䙔 **䙔** - 24
**** ALEXIS **** Young upscale Beauty! Available SUNDAY AFTERNOON/ EVENING****** - 18
(Monroeville INCALL ONLY)
💕💕💜 SKY SPA !! ▐❤▐ ► ❤BEST ASIAN MASSAGE▐❤▐ 💕💕BEST ASIA STAFF ► ❤▐❤ 1+ SERVICE💕💕💜💋💕 ▐ ❤▐ ► - 25
(Pittsburgh, 2544 LIBRARY RD. PITTSBURGH PA 15234)
▬▬▐▐▐▐▐ YOUNGASIAN ▐▐▐▐▬▬ SOFT TOUCH ▃🌄🔴🌄▃ Asian Massage ★ 212 Market St. ▃🌄🔴🌄▃▃🌄🔴🌄▃▃🌄🔴▃ - 23
(212 Market Street ▃🌄🔴🌄▃▃🌄🔴🌄▃▃🌄🔴▃, Philadelphia)
**{Adrianna is Back Sensual Seductive little Treat !! 30 min 100 roses 60 mins 160 - 36
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Area Last Day here)
Have fun with a Sexy Real and talented girl like ME with a Sensual Massage! - 29
(I love this City!!!!! PGH baby!!!:o))
Back by Popular Demand. Mindy. Guaranteed Great Massage!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, OutCall)
enjoy a tantric session monday-friday 10:30 am-midnight 2342060543 - 30
(Pittsburgh, Robinson town center)
❤️💜❤️Have you experienced the sweetest taboo? Visiting Pittsburgh TODAY One day Only!💜❤️💜 - 24
(Downtown Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
End your summer the right way and come get a erotic therapeutic sensual massage - 31
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville/Trafford)
H@PPY B!RTHD@Y 2 M3 R3@DY 2__ ★ P@RTY ★ __ W!TH __♥S@SHA ♥0N MY BD@Y - 21
(Pittsburgh, off 2nd ave near greenfeild)
Tia Phoenixx: LAST CALL: Pittsburgh Downtown, available until Jan.22 morning!!!
(pittsburgh downtown)
HUNG and The BEST Ts Bianca is HERE for the FIRST TIME! 100%REAL PICS take a LOOK!!! - 20
(Pittsburgh, mOnROeViLle!! :))
[[ *ExOTiC TrANnY *]]__[[* SMOKIN_HOT_BODY *]]__[[11'in Ff ]]__[[* $PECIALS *]]__[* TS NIKKI*] - 21
(Pittsburgh, Beecham Dr & stubenville)
**HeYY~FeLLaz.. $eXy TS "DiOR" HeRe 2 BrinG ALL UR KINKY~ExOtiC FaNtaSies 2 LiFe** - 23
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh-Greentree)
* *TS Karmen** Highly skilled +9IN" HUNG SPRAYER New In Town!!! - 23
⏫⏬Clearly Their Mad At the Queen! ⏫⏬♚ Busty ♚ Hung 10 ♚ 100% REAL & FF "34DD" "28" "36" - 23
(Harrisburg, Eisenhower Blvd(smooth allover))
EvEr D»®»€»@»M oF A MasCULIn£ FR££ T§ w/NoWIG O® F@©¡aL Ha¡®? (Dont_Let_yur DATE_Be_A FAKE) Local Ts - 23
(Pittsburgh, ??? HOTEL NEAR YU NOW $100)
~ *♛* *:.♥ ;:*¨¨*: : WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS :*¨¨*:. ♥:*¨ *♛* - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville IN//Out)
🌺🌺🌺🌺The exotic busty beautiful Amanda is in town and ready to playyyyyyy🌺🌺🌺🌺 - 24
(crafton, Pittsburgh)
★ SuPeR FrEaKy ★ GoRgEoUs ★ ToP NoTCH PeRFeCTioN ★ - 19
(Pittsburgh, Coraopolis/Airport area)
T O P__*__N O T C H __*__ E S C O R T!! _*_R E V I E W S _*_TO _*_P R O V E __IT__Get ur $'s worth!! - 22
(Pittsburgh, OUTCALLS NoW !!!)
[[SMOKIN' HOT PLAYMATE]] ( SeXy BrUnEtTe ) * TEMPTING BODY [[*Ready To Play*]] - 27
Sweet**Sexy Latina*** LaLa** {incalls Only} FROM STLOUIS KISS all day is $100 - 29
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ exit 75. incalls only)
Starlet's has the most Beautiful girls in Pittsburgh just waiting to meet you!412 327 3353 - 22
(Pittsburgh, PA)
***** Nurse (RN) / Teacher Diana Natural 36F Breasts! Pittsburgh March 19th-24th! Don't Miss Out! - 49
(MochA) Looking 4fun 40($) specials 😜 (northeast) waitin 4 u incalls - 21
(Philadelphia, Northeast (private location) incalls)
MoRnInG SeSsIoNs ((( QuALiTy ToP ChOicE ))) RoBiNsOn ToWnShIp ((( NeW HoTTiE ))) - 19
Marietta-Centerfold Published Plus Size Model (South Pittsburgh) - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Airport Area)