Thu 09 Jan
WHAT YOU SEE... IS WHAT YOU GET!!! Spend your nite being spoiled....... and pampered!!!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh washington and surounding)
Super NATURAL Massive 80R cup TIT HEALER & CARE TAKER can CURE your ACHES and PAINS!Nipples suction!
👏Stressed Out? Let's Play!!💋In or Outcall!🎉💄1of a kind🌡 Erotic, Nude, Full Body MASSAGE!!🛏 - 33
(Pittsburgh, South Hills Area)
SxY ) ♥ ( « G¡RL - NxT- DoOR » ) ♥ ((SwT ALL-Amr¡cAn SXy PlAyToY)) - 28
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh in out)
✨💋✨ Start your weekend off with an 💋 Amazingly💄 Talented✨Sexy,Curvy playmate💋✨ - 33
(Pittsburgh, West mifflin)
*¨¨*:: * __*SXY* __ ×°x°× _ XOTiC : ♥ : PLAYMAT _×°x°× __ HiGHLY ADDiCTiVE __*::*¨¨* - 27
(Pittsburgh in - out)
🎀🎀 THANK YOU PGH! 🎀🎀 ~ Chrissy Kisses ~ Specializing In Romance And Intimacy - 40
(Downtown Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
(¯`'.¸ SuGaR & SpiCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaC TwiCe ¸.'´¯) - 23
Snowbound specials*~xoxo Giuliana,Exotic all natural 38 D Italian princess avail 24/7 7244933358 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/crafton/airport)
NEW In Town🌹New To Business 🍒 Teach Me Some New😻😻 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Cranberry Incalls&Outcalls; 🌟t)
*** MoNdAy MaDnEsS *** Unrushed _ Fun _ Teaseing _ Role Play & PlEnTy MORE! Well reviewd - 24
(Pittsburgh, Delmont/Ur Place:))
gt;Look Sexy Exotic Egyptian Beauty 50 a.m. specials. dont miss out.leaving soon last day - 25
(GrEeN tRee)
•♥• [ HOT ] •♥• [ EXOTIC ] •♥• [ COLLEGE ] •♥• [ CUTIE ] •♥• ON DUTY!! ( IN/OUT) - 19
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh - penn avenue and fifth)
$$ Hot exotic sexy seductive chocolate beauty $$ NEW PICS NEW PICS HOT specials 148683 - 23
(pitts in-outcalls only til after 12am)
❤️❤️❤️First day Asian young girl🎀🎀🎀9172265180💋💋💋 Outcall and Incall - 21
(York, York Incall and outcall)
————— ———————————— ———————————— ☆ §EXi€§† BrUnEtT€ ☆ ————— ———————————— ———————————— - 32
(Pittsburgh, Bloomfield area)
Dripping W.. Can YOU help me Stay That way!!!!! Amazing SPECIALS! ! ! - 25
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville , PA)
»-(¯`v´¯)-»DO ME-:¦:-DOggY St YLe-:¦:-FAcE dO wN -:¦:-Ass ROu nD NevER-:¦:-st op POUNDING-(¯`v ´¯)-» - 20
**** ALEXIS! Sunday Afternoon and Evening *** HOT YOUNG GIRL who LOVES to have FUN **** - 18
(Monroeville INCALL ONLY)
AvAiLaBLe RiGhT NoW [ LEAVIN IN COUPLE DAYS] ExxOTiC BLONDE ... AmaZing BodY ( FreaKie SkiLLs) - 19
(M0nR0EViLLE Area)
*°B U S T Y *°T H I C K*° H-O-T-T- I-E-° - 25
70【BEST LIPZ IN THEGAME】✘♥✘♥ IM THE TRUTH "NO LIE"【Certified Freak】✘♥✘♥ BiG B00TY $70【R€ÅDY NØW】70$$ - 24
(Pittsburgh, crafton INCALLS)
———————— ALL YOU NEED ———————— NEW EXPERIENCE ———————— BLONDE BABE ———————— - 26
(Greentree/Crafton, Pittsburgh)
2 BruNETTE BeaUTIES ** 200 roses** available 24/7 ** Honest / Independent - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA and surrounding area.)
2 girl specials with Ray Lynn, the blonde girl next door you wished you lived next too 412 9794931 - 24
(Pittsburgh, on rt 28 near pgh and monroeville)
Afternoon all day specials w the exotic all american beauty calla 36d 4123273353 myplace or yours?? - 24
(Pittsburgh, In or outcalls airport grn tree robinson)
.·´*¯° DrEaM No MoRe~I'M WhAt YoUr LoOkiN FoR*NaUgHtY, DeLiCiOuS &SwEet; To My CoRe.·´*¯° - 20
42" BoOtY ** *** AVAILABLE ((80)) RIGHT ((100)) NOW ((130)) RIDICULOUS $PECIAL$ !!!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, MoNrOeViLLe InCaLL BaBy....)
#❶ ** 100% Real Beauty.. •••••••••★•*iTs PlAy Time BoYs*•★ - Join me - 21
(Pittsburgh, Exit 79 north)
A▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤▬▬▬▬ NEW ❤▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤ Beautiful Sexy Asian Girl ❤ ▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤▬▬▬▬❤ ▐☶☶▐☶☶▐☶☶ ❤▬▬▬▬❤ - 22
(856-316-6136, Philadelphia)
♡100% real super sexy girl next door!♡ check this blonde hair blue eyed beauty out ASAP! - 26
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh(southhills))
2 Hotties for 200hr! ready now! Outcalls, cash and all major cc's - 21
(Pittsburgh, pgh(1hour radius))
**HOLLY** TALL BUSTY BLONDE! available now! cash/credit - 21
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh and 1hr surrounding)
Massage is included in your escort session 2342060543 - 30
(Pittsburgh, hotel outcall/incall robinson)