Tue 07 Jan
~ __S___W _ _E___E___T __~_ L___ I __T__ T___L___E_ ~S___E___X___Y~ _P___R___I___ N___C___E__ S___S - 23
(Pittsburgh, PITTSBURGH In/Out 24/7 at your service!)
☆Rainy Days = Relaxation!!☆→♡Cami's♡ Amazing,☆EROTIC☆, full body ◇○MASSAGE!! ☆♡ ☆ - 30
(Pittsburgh, South Hills Area)
Ready to have an unforgivable time? call me Candie. {available 7 days a wk} - 26
(Pittsburgh, incall * {7 days a wk.})
-:¦:- (SeXxiNeSS) .-:¦:-. (IN) -:¦:- (EVERY) -:¦:- (WaY-) :¦:-c0me AnD ---;{{pLaY }} - 23
____ ✦· ·. S O P H I A S the best ► G I F T of *´¯`·. ✦· ALL !! BustyBrunette - 21
(Pittsburgh, m o n r o e v i l l e)
P_ R_e_ T__T_Y *+* B__L__o__N _D__E **+** ( $150 ) *+* *+** O-U-T_C a_L_L *+* S_ P__E__C _I__A__L__S - 23
(Pittsburgh, Outcall 24HOURS)
P E R F E C T *10*/// **LaST Day iN T0WN** S H A V E D & T I G H T & W E T {MaSSiVe TiTS} - 20
~ * ~ S O U T H E R N * ~ * C O M F O R T * ~ * HAS * ~ * A R R I V ED TODAY TER 155496~ * ~ - 30
(Monroeville 80$ specials)
; PeTiTe CaRiBBEan EbOnY BeAUtY YOu WoNt ReGReT iT ★ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville incall/ Outcall 24HR)
| S I N F U L L Y ❤ S W E E T | - 20
(Pittsburgh, out to you)
**** RACHEL **** Full GFE *** naughty brunette *** ready and waiting *** eager to please - 35
(incall/ moon)
Midweek Specials!!*¨* Giulia sexy italian bella avail 24h 4123273353 100%all natural 38D*¨¨* - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh/crafton/airport)
Let Us Make That ache Go away!Kinky Sweet Busty Blonde & Sexy Red Head MILF's Coming June 28-29 - 36
(Pittsburgh Coming June 28-29)
Let US make UR fantasy a reality! 2 is ALWAYS better than 1! 2 New faces;) thick n kinky - 25
~~~~~~~ Kissing ~~ Cuddling ~~ Open Minded ~~~ wat *YOU* want & MoRe ! - 25
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton/ur place)
Last hrs With nina the cali cuban 6footah come in cuddle with me 60special taken your best offer - 22
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville (24hr incall))
BoDy Of A gOddEss __ [ [ CuRvY EbOnY FrE@k ] ] __ SeXy cHoCoLaTe SkiN !! __ [ [ BrAnD NeW 2 ArEa ] ] - 20
(**MonroeVille InCaLLs**)
°★©° ((=CAUTiON=)) °o©° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °★©° ((=HoT=)) °bOdY.. - 20
(Downtown Pittsburgh In & Out Calls)
•*¨¨*•-:¦: CAUTION *•-:¦:-•* YOUR NEW *•-:¦:-•* ADDICTION•*¨¨*• U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh and surrounding areas)
*** CALI *** ((( My Old Phone Got Stolen...So Get My New Phone # ))) - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh & Surrounding Areas)
◤★◢ ___ BEST___ ◤★◢ ___ OF ___ ◤★◢ ___ THE ___ ◤★◢ ___ BEST ___ ◤★◢ ___ OF THEM ___ ◤★◢ - 24
(Pittsburgh, robinson incalls)
Cassie♡sexy,fun loving party girl ☆very open minded! g...f...e... - 24
(Out call every were & incall monroeville, Pittsburgh)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION -:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:BLONDE* ADDICTION*¨* HOT *-:¦:-* AND STEAMY *-:¦:- - 23
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)
Beautiful Day so come n play.... Unrushed * Fun * Open minded * Layed back * two way street - 25
(Pittsburgh, new stanton/ur place)
Sweet Sexy Sensual New exotic beauty catering to gentlemen only - 32
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Airport Downtown Center City)
Sade from Argentina visiting your city May2 to May 9 experience the perfect massage 216 534-7487 - 26