Fri 10 Jan
YOOHOO LADIES......Independent Bosses is Now Hiring___ Looking For New Companions All Shapes n sizes - 31
(Allentown, Harrisburg, Looking for compaions all over, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton)
"ThaNk U 2 ALL My GeNtleMen that ShoWeD Me a GreaT TiMe WhiLe InToWn...unTiL NeXt TimE XoXoXo!!!!!" - 25
(Pittsburgh, VisiTinG PITTSBURGH AREA NoW LeavingThuR)
⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ ❤️ FREE TRANNY DATING SITE ❤️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ - 21
(On Your Computer, Pittsburgh)
Fantasy Provider "Five Stars"★ Luxury★ Upscale★Gorgeous ★ Incalls & Outcalls ★ Call Now ★ - 22
(Pittsburgh, All Area's)
▃ ▅ ▆ █*NEW* █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ★HOT! SEXY BABE★ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ JUICY !!▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ IN/OUT - 23
(Pittsburgh, Visiting pittsburgh)
SATiSFACTiON × *¨¨*iS*¨¨* MY × *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALiTY! × *¨¨*NEW TGIRL VISITING - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/Surrounding)
"Still Available" SMOOTH Skin/ NO wigs Here** J€NN!F€® 9!N©H€S / H¿U¿N¿G ((A_V_A_!_L)) N0W $80 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Robinson Hotel Incall $80/SPECIAL)
Were up late all night incall/outcall specials w the exotic Italian beauty Calla duos!! 4123273353 - 23
(Pittsburgh, nhills oakland airport and grntree)
***STOP and take a LOOK, DON'T miss OUT***** leaveing TONIGHT - 21
(Monroeville and Surrounding Areas)
~STOP~LOOKING for someone real and not a robot or bs. I'm the real deal if it's not me i will pay U - 22
*SiZzLiNg HoT* ReD HaIReD BeAuTY*DD SiLkY sMOoTh*PuRe PlEaSuRe*ToTal SaTiSfAcTiOn - 26
(robinson/airport in-out call)
❤ [NEW 】 ✓【BUSTY】 ✓ 【 Spanish & Native American】 ✓ 【100% REAL PICS】 ✓ 【Available NOW】❤ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Airport INCALL Only)
★ MoNRoEvILLe FaVOrITe!! ❤ BaCk Off ToUr ❤ The Best Is Back★ - 24
monroeville you just never had it so good three girls for three explore your fantasies - 20
Got a case of the Mondays? I can help in/out calls now available 7242881493 - 31
(Houston pa and surrounding area, Pittsburgh)
HoT FuN°oO (♥) ( $60 Specials) °oO (♥) HoT ChOcLatE DeLight°oO (♥) - 23
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Incalls)
•☆ •• ☆ •—— G U A ® A N T € € D ☆ P L € A S U ® E ——•☆ •• ☆• - 20
(G*F *E SpEc!aLs) 80/20 ** 100/30 {2x's} ** 160/60 ** LAST NiTE!! (( CURVY & THiCK_ B L O N D E ** - 22
(24hr Pittsburgh (Near Airport) IN ***)
Early evening specials avail w the exotic duo or just one the one of us 41232733 xoCalla - 24
(Pittsburgh, In/outcalls pgh airport grntree robinson)
Attractive blonde!!! Sexy, Sweet, What a Tasty Treat!!! 100 hh or 150 hr - 38
(Pittsburgh, Greensburg, Pa)
美女!!!!=====36 d. Big boob sexy asian!!!!!!!!! Real 25 don't miss out 美女!!!!!!!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, Monoeville-Pittsburg)
80HH Rainy Specials Sexy Spanish Beauty ❤Afterwork Specials❤ 💎Petite Spinner💎 - 25
(Crafton, Pittsburgh)
70 incall special at my Wilmerding residence ! 1_0_0 _% R_E_A_L★_Sexy KINKY blonde near Monroeville - 28
(Pittsburgh, my home)
100 --- P U T * M E * O N ~*♥*~ Y O U * R ~*♥*~ T O * D O * L I S T --- 100 - 23
$100HH Incall Before10Am! Exotic Armenian Beauty 💕KiNKY SWEET&FUN;💕 (Well Reviewed) Fetish Friendly - 24
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry TownShip)
$70 $85 $130 New Special Sweet Ebony /// Limited time ?/// Late Nite - 21
(Loven me LOL Monroeville)
TS Ashlee thick and hung 412~592-1068 incall and outcall availible) i am ready to servei - 25
(Pittsburgh, wilkinsburg area incall and outcall)
!!!!VISITING TS MARIAH is BEST ,Erotic, Passion & "10 pleasure loads of fun !!!! ONLY VISTING R - 21
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville)
sexy and figure I HAVE 8 sizes, ready to PLAY MEMORABLE, STIMULATING and EXCITING - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh/university.canter)
24/7 @@@@@ PRETTY FaCe And SeXy BODY @@@@@ TOP NoTch PLAYMATE @@@@@@ BLONDe ANGeL JeMMa JaMeS @@@@@@ - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh in/out 24/7)
2 Hot Girls to get the PARTY started have one or both if you can handle us - 23
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON)
Beauty... Brains... And No Games.. Avail... Upscale In call, Outs Avail!! - 18
(McKeesport area(in & out), Pittsburgh)
♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ When Experience & Class Matters! ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ ♥♥ Stunning & Real!!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding areas)
▬▬▬▬▬▬💕 Cute mixed babe 💕💕❄️❄️BABY ❄️💕❄️❄️💕1OO% REAL PICS GUARENTEED '💕💕❄️❄️💕▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 23
(Greentree upscale, Pittsburgh)
!!💋!!Look No futher!! New, Sexy, and Young LIMITED edition 💋 Available NOW - 19
(Pittsburgh, monroeville)