Wed 08 Jan
Want 2 treat urself? Come get a relaxing FULL Nude BODY MASSAGE * MUTUAL also ok * 412 607 2555 - 23
(Pittsburgh, 20 minutes West of Downtown Pittsburgh)
💘💙💘 S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣💨t!❥▬► Hot👑bOdy 2 bOdy Massage*◀▬💘★ - 24
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, OutCall)
Nude Body rub For Men I Really Enjoy Older Men Lay Back Relax & Enjoy My Soft Smooth Hands !!! - 27
(Mins From Down Town Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
Tue 07 Jan
Yes ItS Me!!! $eXy T$ Alexis!!!! HErE 2 pLeAsE!! CONTACT NOW!!! - 19
(Pittsburgh, Airport/ Steubenville pike)
** TRUE*** XXX-RÅTD FUN!! ᬹ Mind Blowing & To Curling XXX-PRINC!! ** am (SPECIALS) - 23
(Green Tree, in/Outcall)
NEW 💋 NEW ‼️‼️ Peaser‼️Lover ‼️ Kisser ‼️Cuddler‼️ - 20
(Pittsburgh, out calls out calls out calls anywhere)
NEW** FreaKy To The CoRe! (?) *JUicy Booty* (?) YoUr DiRtY LiTtLe SeCret (?) 80 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Pittsburgh)
HeY GuYs I'm KEEKI I am ready now so call (412) 736-7177 - 23
CLICK Here ★AVAILABLE Now👇100% REAL Pictures ★HEY GUYS !! FACETIME 📱Highly Reviewed✨ - 22
(Pittsburgh, Southside Slops / Downtown)
";*; " ¤ SOFT ¤ LiPs ¤ ";*;" -- with -- ";*;" HIPS to GriP -- ¤ *SPECIALS* C@LL NoW!!! - 26
(Pittsburgh, ◺ MoNrOeViLLe Area◺)
*__ ; __*( OnE )*_ ; _*( iN a )*__; _*( MiLLioN )*_ _* *iTs PlAy TiMe BoYs! UP ALL NIGHT!!! - 21
$60>Look Sexxxy Exxxotic Egyptian Beauty ThE Best. Will be in pitt this afternoon.schd apts now!! - 25
(GrEeN tRee)
***** Caucasian TS 110% Drug Free, Healthy, Rip-off Free Available throughout the Holidays ***** - 412
(Pittsburgh Area)
Private home upper class areaTammy VeRy pretty and personableFLAT STOMACH SNOW SPECIALS 75 - 32
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville by old William penn highway)
Last few hours here come do me just the way u like trini queen 38DDD - 21
(Pittsburgh, Greentree Pittsburgh)
❤ BrAnD NeW PlAtiNuM BaRbie ( 4 Ft 11inCh) - 36D - AvAiLaBLe 24Hrs ❤ ViSiTiNg - 19
(M0nR0EViLLE Area)
Skilled female Masseuse mixing unique sensual & therapeutic (4 hand available) - 35
(Pittsburgh, West Mifflin home near C3 mall; discreet)
Grown,Sexy, Mature Woman Waiting to massage you .$60.00. Call now. you wont be disappointed. - 40
(Pittsburgh, South Side)
^ Mature^,Real ^and Sexy ^Woman offering unforgettable massage^^$75.00 - 40
(Pittsburgh, East Liberty)
*~*~Happy Rubs :) full body SENSUAL rub*~*~ (Cran / Mars Area) - 31
(Pittsburgh, North of Pittsburgh)
Nude Male Massage For OLder Mature Men ( MY PRIVATE PLACE OR YOURS ) - 27
Check me out! Come find me if you can!!!
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York, Outcall)
Mon 06 Jan
💋💋💋💋💋💋New Asian ❤❤❤❤❤❤Gorgeou&PRETTY; 💋💋💋💋💋💋 Super Value Pakage 👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠👠 SUPER SEXY - 21
M a s s a g e by 3 6 E Busty Mediterranean. CC's Accepted. Discreet and Pretty - 99
(Pittsburgh, Outcall)
***Sexy Ohio Cutie Visiting. *** Highly Reviewed! Visiting New Stanton, PA Til 6/1 - 38
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton)
Ebony Asian mixed Beauty.✋NEW✋☎🔥♕💦🔥 HOT Excitement & Desire Pleasing & Pleasure🔥💦✋☎💦SPECIALS - 20
Let Me Rub You Down... Beautiful!! unbeatable OUTCALL specials :-) - 27
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Southside)
Rubbing you the right way - discreet - IN CALL ONLY (my home) - text 412-532-6469 - 35
(Pittsburgh, West Mifflin near C3 mall)
♥ ♥ BEST! SWEET! ASIAN GIRLS! ENJOY IT! --------♥ ♥ - 21
(Philadelphia, 9th & Callowhill St-Center City)
Fully nude Fully Mutual Shower and prostate also I also do two girls 412-706-1602 - 25
(Pittsburgh, avalon)
Sun 05 Jan
[ __ *SeXy* __ ] -*- [ __ *Dominican* __ ] -*- [ _ *Barbie* _ ] -*- [ _ *Princess* _ ] L@$t D@y - 24
(Monroeville/incalls only)
Giulia stunning Italian princess waiting to see you!! avail now call ?4125125763 for a fun night - 23
🍫❤ Chocolate Amazon Ts Looking to Meet 💦🍫 10" Candybar ! Versatile ↕ - 22
(Forest Hills (Hosting), Pittsburgh)
(visiting) -tuesday -sunday--BLK / RICAN KINKY GODDESS ! ! ! FACIAL LOVER HERE! ! ! - 25
(pittsburgh pa)
Sexy little 💋 Brunette l Ready To Play❤ I just turned 18 today I need Money❤Finally Legal ❤ - 18
Last day..CRANBERRY! 💋 1000% ME...Gorgeous GREEN EYED...REDHEAD!!!! - 29
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry incalls only!)
Light Touch Sensual Male Massage For OLDER Mature MEN!!! My Home Or Yours !!!!!!!!!!!!
NEW ATTENDANTS ! @@@ EUROPEAN Style SPA @@@ 215-850-3163 @@@ PRETTY Russian EXPERIENCED Staff @@@ - 21
(Philadelphia, West STREET rd. WARMINSTER, 18974)