Mon 27 Jan
❗️NEW ➖➖➖ FINALLY HERE 💎 amazingly beautiful 🌟ALL natural 🌟petite brunette 💎 ➖➖➖ NEW❗️ - 23
♥Mature Blonde ♥ Check out my SKILLS ♥ Never a Disappointment ♥ No Rush! - 23
(Pittsburgh, pittsburgh,pa)
Live Duo 18 year Old Female with 21 year Old Male Incall and Outcall Plus Fetishes 724-288-1091 - 18
(Pittsburgh, Robinson)
🆕Morgan 💰👅👅👅 Now Booking 🌙 Evening Appointment 🗒 Watch 👀 My Video 🚪INCALL TODAY ONLY - 25
(OUTS & INS TODAY ONLY‼️ N🚫 Dates ⬇️ 25, Pittsburgh)
___ LiMiTeD TiMe! ♥ :StUnNiNg : Southern DoLL **sOfT cUrVeS** {PERFECT B(o)(o)TY!} ((24HRS)) - 26
(Pittsburgh, [--- MONROEVILLE --])
JeNnA jEnNa JeNnA *Beautiful&Sexy;* CALL NOW 412-225-8129 - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Airport & surrounding areas)
*I travel🚗 freaky sexy Italians 👭 1 or 2 it's up to you 👯 - 19
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Indiana county, Butler coun)
•ஐδε∂υ©†¡√ε•☆• +h!©k •☆• @dD!¢+!v€ •☆• £×0+!© •☆•GoDd£s$ஐ•N£w P!©$ - 25
(Pittsburgh, Northside outcalls by request)
Here from SUNNY San Diego to brighten your day .Tiny petite, little princess ./MonroeVi2 & Mosside - 23
Last Day In Town Today Leaving In The AM Don't Miss Me ..... Lesley Cummings ... TER Reviewed - 35
°❤° H Ѽ R ° ThaN ° Â V R Â G ° iF sHeS Good...IM BETTER °❤ - 20
(monroeville, pa)
I R I S H * ~ * K N O C K O U T * ~ * D O I N G * * A L L * * T H E * * E X T R A ' S - 24
If I don't get (BLEEPED) Soon I'm Gonna (BLEEPING) Scream! LOW RATES! Outcall Only! - 36
Gorgeous Independent Blonde ♥ Beyond Belief ♥ 100% Satisfying Performance love fetishes - 23
(Pittsburgh, oakland,pa)
~HOTT &~WET~THURSDAY ~SpEcIaL ~in~&~outcalls ~Ms. CRYSTAL ~ 412-513-7629 - 22
Good Girl With Very Bad Habits...Confirmed Real Pics! UPSCALE•OPEN MINDED•INDEPENDENT! - 25
▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ Home Alone? ▇♥▇▇♥▇▇♥▇ ENJOY KIM TONIGHT - $$$ ▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇▇♥▇ ▇♥▇ ▇♥ - 21
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA)
Hey fellas lets have sum fun! 💋♥specials. don't miss out💋♥ no app. needed. ☆call now☆ - 27
(Scranton, wilkes barre in call only)
HORNY_ No RuSh &;1OO% Real ^^^^ Truly ^^^^^^ Your ^^^^^^^^^ Girlfriend * 24/7 - 20
((( Pittsburgh)) DownTownUpscale)
𗰵 G $ O $ R $ G $ E $ O $ U S *❤* T $ O $ O $ H $ O $ T 𗰵 - 24
Mon 13 Jan
!!💋!!Look NO Further!! New, Sexy, and Young LIMITED edition 💋 Available NOW - 19
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville Area)
( MaKiNg ) :*: ( yOUr ) :*: ( FaNTaSy ) :*: ( A ) :*: ( REaLiTy ) - 20
(Pittsburgh, Fox Chapel, Harmar)
LEAVING SOON! ☎ --- All these girls and NO Reviews? My REVIEWS prove I'm the perfect girl 4 u! - 27
(Pittsburgh, Monroeville In/ Out Gr8 Rvws 129524)
M0st 3x3clusive•☆5 ST☆R S€RViCE •**ThCkY Sw33t Caram3l 24/7 SPECIALZ OUTCALLS - 22
LATTINA GRIL GIVE YOU WHAT YOU NEED all working man ,$100 all day from stlouis - 28
(Pittsburgh, NEW STANTON)
Late Nights😘Early Mornings😍 You've Found What You Need💋 - 25
(Pittsburgh, North of Pittsburgh Incall Outcall)
I NEED it badly! Wont you help me? SUPER LOW RATES! Outcall Only! - 36
!!!! I got the Goodies !!! 2 girl special ! (( New Stanton )) - 23
(Pittsburgh, New Stanton(100)specials)
❌❌❌💋💋💋💋 ► __💋💋💋💋 CuTie KOREAN Just Arrived💋💋💋💋 😍__◄◄ ◄💋💋💋💋💋❌❌ - 21 - 21
(Pittsburgh, ✅✅✅PITTSBURGH✅✅✅)
Everything you want in one package ✨Last Day!!! come see me and beg for more!😍😍😍💕 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Cranberry and surrounding areas)
Sun 12 Jan
36E Busty Female Available for Massage. Major CC's Accepted. 36E Busty Female Available for Massage - 32
(Pittsburgh, Yours Only)
MAIA : Gorgeous Asian American For Discerning Gentlemen Only! - 23
(Center City, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Jersey, AC, Suburbs)
1000 % ReaL GiRL 1000 % Sexy PiCS 100 % iNDePeNDeNT - 21
((* Summertime Specials*女)