Fri 10 Jan
❤️Top&bottm; Ts.Banana split🍌CandyApple👅Booty Lip💋Toes cUrled - 22
(Carnegie Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh)
TS Mahogany 10inch" GuArAnTeed! & FuLLy FuNcTiOnAL!! SIZE MATTERS!!! 330-577-7139 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh pa)
TsParis 💋 I can be a Freak💦 Who's up being sneaky 👀 Come eat the booty like groceries 🙊 - 22
(East Liberty, Pittsburgh)
* * * * * * * Very Busty Female Available For Massage * * * * * * * * * * * * * - 412
(Outcall Only)
👄Sylvia! Hot, all natural, fetish friendly! Cash/credit👄 - 22
(Pittsburgh, Washington, cranberry, airport)
*o★o* MuLtIpLe? ❤ FeTisHeS? ❤ CuRioUs? CALL NOW! *o★o* - 24
Pick this Exotic Hottie for a Very Different Experience! - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, In town, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
N U R U * B O D Y 2 B O DY * S L I D E with Kennedy Visiting (( 1 NIGH T ONLY )) - 27
(Pittsburgh, D O W N T O W N)
★•° N °•★•° A °•★•° S °•★•° T °•★•° Y °•★•° WELL REVIEWED 215632 - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh/ greentree area)
I * aM tHe GiRl *aLL GuYs* WaNt AnD I * Got -* ExXxactly * What* You*NeEd - 25
Here is a list of every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Find out what they do & don't do
(In your city)
I am a College Girl with Erotic Desires... - 19
(Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Erie, Harrisburg, In town, Lancaster, Meadville, Penn State, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Poconos, Reading, Scranton, Williamsport, York)
Beautiful Girls!!! Ready for you NOW!!! OUTCALL! FAST! DISCREET! Cash/Credit - 21
(Pittsburgh, radius of pgh)
Available NOW! The One and Only **JULIA** Specials 100 so hot** PURE - 27
(Pittsburgh, Beaver County)
AMAZING curvaceous. .THIcK SwEeT N SExY CuRvacoUS BLoNDE !!ChECk THiS OUT!! - 23
(Pittsburgh, southside (pinetree gardens))
Back to Work again? Dang! Well I'm here to keep you going with a Smile :) - 24
(New Stanton/Irwin/Ur Place :))
All Day Specials!! Meet the Sexy Italian Princess Giuliana all natural 36d real pics 4123273353 - 24
(Pittsburgh, near pgh/monroeville in harmarville)
ALL HAIL TO THE QUEEN!!!! The best u never had!!! Must See Exotic Italian Princess!!!!! - 20
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh (Outcalls))
(Pittsburgh, IN GREENTREE..2DAYS ONLY!!)
★★ if you are looking for REAL TS 👀 this AD 👇100% REAL PICTURES ★★HEY GUYS !!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, ⚜️4mins DWNTWN /E Carson St / Southside)
$100 SMOOTHskin/ NoWIGS Here... (Dont_Let_Yur _DATE_Be_A _FAKE) Meet A Real TRANSEXUAL w/Real Pics. - 23
(Pittsburgh, FINALLY Here CRAFTON/ROBINSON Incall)
Pittsburgh's Sexiest & Most SeductiveTS Sky 100% SATISFACTION GARUNTEED LET ME WARM YOU UP!! - 21
(Mckeesport 15 min. From The Waterfront)
Colombian transsexual visiting from California this weekend - DONT MISS OUT the most gorgeous Tgirl - 24
(Pittsburgh, Greentree)
/want- to- melt -with- happiness call me here for a short time only - 23
(Pittsburgh, Downtown Pittsburgh incall/outcall)
❌✋🏿 Stop Meeting Fakes! 🎂 COME CELEBRATE🎂With ME ★Krystal ☆Rayne - 24
**** ^ *** SUPER SEXY GIRL ((())) SPECIAL !!! *** EXOTIC *** 100% SATISFACTIon Incall & o< - 21
(Pittsburgh PA)
"Stunning Savannah" Call me at 724-263-2861 - 24
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh washington surrounding areas)
SPECIALS 🌟 💕💎CERTIFIED n' VERIFIED 💖💎 BAdGirL 💎💖🌟🔥💕 Take Your 💦 💦💦💦👅 Breath Away - 25 - 25
💦💦Slide in without falling ⭕️ in 😳 experience the grip✊🏾🐯that will earn your memory🍫🐰🏆 - 24
(Pittsburgh, 📍Outcall only)
Need some stress relief?? Don't waste your money, come see me !!! :) - 26
(Pittsburgh, Private incall in Pittsburgh)
♡♡♡ NEW ♡♡ Pics Just Taken ♡♡♡ Small BBW ♡♡--> DD's WOW
(Pittsburgh, SORRY U MISSED ME be back soon)
☆ LOOK HeRe!! ☆ 42" BoOtY ... I CaN MaKe YoUr ToEs CURL BABY !! ☆ NEW! ☆ - 22
(Pittsburgh, MoNrOeViLLe InCaLL BaBy....)
MMMM ! AMAZING !! RED HOT ! As good as it gets in pgh today !! - 25
(Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh and surrounding)
M a s s a g e by 3 6 E Busty Mediterranean. CC's Accepted. Discreet and Pretty - 99
(Pittsburgh, yours only)
*n3w* ♥ BEAUTIFUL ♥ Mulato ♥ PLAYMATE ♥ *100% satisfaction* - 20
(" Harrisburg-H3RSH3Y ")
hot & sexy croatian dancer model and entertainer available. - 26
(Pittsburgh, Rt. 28. 25 minutes from pittsburgh/out)
gt;Look Sexy Exotic Egyptian Beauty!! Start your week off right!! only here till noon.specials 50 - 25
(GrEeN tRee)
hello gentlemen im nicole im in the pittsburg area looking for a upscale gentlemen - 27
.. Here from SUNNY San Diego to brighten your day.Tiny petite,little princess [superwalmart area] - 23
(N Lafayette/ Near superwalmart)
** {DoUbLe} :* ☆ ¨*: {THE } :*★¨*: {fUn}: *¨☆*: {2over1}* * - 23
(Monroeville Incall & Out)
exotic egyptian barbie special SImply thee Best!!!wont b bk 4 a while leavin toda waitin to see u - 25
(gReen Tree)
美女!!!!=====36 d. Big boob sexy asian!!!!!!!!! Real 25 don't miss out 美女!!!!!!!! - 25
(Pittsburgh, Monoeville-Pittsburg)
5'10"__ 38D__Grey-Eyes __Toned Thick LEGS__ BiG BOOTY__ GORGEOUS Polynesian Bombshell__ LEAVING SOON - 24
(Airport InCalls Near Robinson)
90$ late night specials! 6ft long legged Chocolate beauty!!!! pics are 100% me or free! - 23